Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Peter King's Terrorist Pal Arrested in Murder Investigation

Congressman Peter King of New York has for too long represented the deeply embedded moral bankruptcy of the American political class in all of it's putrid resplendence. As a trusty regular guest on the Sunday morning propaganda circuit, King can always be counted on to loudly shill and pontificate in favor for the ongoing disembowelment of the US Constitution and the imposition of every single tool in the big fascist tool box upon Americans. This is particularly the case for American Muslims towards whom he has a strange animosity for and they bear the brunt of his constantly fulminating fury. This burning desire to persecute Muslims makes King one of the most bigoted members of Congress and a man who gives even the tea party caucus that is largely comprised of neo-Confederates from from down behind the cornbread curtain in Dixieland a run for their money.

He is the textbook example of a loudmouthed blowhard and is ensconced as the reigning grand poobah of the House Committee on Homeland Security. In his capacity as chairman he constantly abuses his office and brings shame upon America with his ongoing series of anti-Muslim dog and pony shows. These McCarthy style publicity stunts provide King with a taxpayer funded stage upon which he can prance around and exhibit his lunacy to the thrill and adoration of virulent scum of the type who frequent sewers like Front Page Magazine, a sort of Stormfront for anti-Muslim zealots and various and sundry other hot spots for haters looking for a bogeyman. There is nobody who preaches to the choir like Peter King and he is dangerously consumed by ambition. He is right now setting his sights upon the soon to be vacated, powerful chairmanship of the House Intelligence committee when Mike Rogers makes his transition into the right-wing talk radio agitprop world and perhaps even a run at the presidency.

Congressman King, a bully of bullies revels in throwing his ample weight around as though he is some sort of exalted authority on terrorism which in a perverse sort of way he is - at least when one considers the company that he kept with prominent members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army, guys like Gerry Adams who King regularly schmoozed with as a supporter of the cause.

How this inconvenient truth never manages to get mentioned on Meet the Press, Face the Nation, Fox News Sunday, ABC's This Week or any of the other phony 'news' shows is yet another indictment of the corruption of the state-corporate media. In a decent country with a functional media and especially this one where the freedom of the press is enshrined in the First Amendment, Peter King's big fat ass should be slowly roasted over the coals this week by real journalists bearing real questions over the news that his good old terrorist IRA buddy Gerry Adams has now been arrestedin a murder investigation.

Adams has been held for questioning regarding the 1972 disappearance and murder of Jean McConville, a mother of 10 whose "crime" was to have allegedly being an informant but more than likely was that she was seen providing assistance to a wounded soldier. According to the story in The Guardian:

Adams put himself forward for questioning by the Police Service of Northern Ireland in connection with the kidnapping, killing and secret burial of mother of 10, Jean McConville.
The family of the widow whom the IRA "disappeared" just before Christmas 1972 tonight welcomed the arrest and said they hoped it would lead to the whole truth ultimately being exposed about their mother's murder.

The Jean McConville story is one that is particularly cruel in that the doomed woman was disappeared right before Christmas. She was snatched from her home by armed gunmen in front of several of her kids who suffered from the trauma of the abduction and subsequent disappearing for the rest of their lives and live in fear of IRA reprisals to this day. According to an AP story entitled "Victim's kids hope Adams charged in Belfast murder"in which McConville's daughter Helen McKendry and brother provide detail on the incident and their lingering trauma. Gerry Adams, King's pal has long denied his role in the abduction, murder and disappearance but as McHendry told the reporters for the AP story "Everybody, the dogs in the street, knew he was the top IRA man in Belfast at that time". For the background I excerpt the following from the Wikipedia page for the murdered Mrs. McConville:

Jean McConville was abducted from her home in December 1972 by twelve IRA members, both men and women, who brought her to an unknown location. There they killed her with a single bullet to the back of the head, allegedly making her kneel down before shooting her.
Among her abductors was Dolours Price, who has claimed that she was there on the orders of Gerry Adams.

Mrs McConville's body was buried secretly on a beach in County Louth, approximately 50 miles from her home. The IRA did not admit their involvement until over twenty years later, in 1999, when they passed information on the whereabouts of the body.

After a prolonged search, co-ordinated by the Garda Sochána -- during which the search area and time involved was expanded by the Garda -- the search was abandoned, as no body could be located in the area specified by the IRA.

Her body was found in 2003 and to this day Adams continues to deny his involvement and as he is a prominent political figure now has his defenders including King who have his back which is evident in comments from the Congressman after the arrest:
"I've known Gerry Adams for over 30 years. I've never known him not to tell the truth, you may not agree with him but he was always truthful"
King's statement is the epitome of hypocrisy with more than a dash of irony in that in today's Homeland, the security apparatus that he so ardently defends would put Congressman King himself well within the three-hop search pattern analysis. This is what is used by the NSA in their ongoing data-mining activities and dragnet searches that target millions of law-abiding Americans who don't pal around with terrorists the information is then stored in huge facilities like that one out in Utah for some yet to be defined future use. Somehow I doubt that a made man like King is subject to the same scrutiny as the rabble is though.

But I digress...

The particularly cruel aspect of the Jean McConville case is that happened at Christmastime, the very holiday that Republicans including King love to wrap in the luminous aura of sanctimony on an annual basis despite the fact that in this country baby Jesus was long ago relegated to playing second banana to big retail capitalist Santa Claus. That however is a story for another time but I have absolutely no doubt that Peter King thoroughly enjoyed his 1972 Christmas dinner while Jean McConville's body was rotting in an unmarked grave and her children were deprived of their mommy.

Not that anyone would ever accuse a Republican of being anything other than a greedy, self-serving, hypocritical, mean and insensitive prick but Peter King takes this to entirely another level. Sadly though in the very limited system of "representative democracy" that we must adhere to in America a pig like King is able to hold onto a disproportionate amount of power for an extended time due to flaws built into the system despite only representing a small fraction of the national population. The removal of this crazed demagogue and supporter of terrorists can only be achieved by those residing within his own district. The Second Congressional District of New York needs to step up to the plate for the sake of the country and just vote this piece of sh*t out of office come November.

I would hope that for the sake of all of America as well as the concept of justice itself that his opponent will take advantage of his serial hypocrisy and rid us all of this most loathsome man forever.

Lord of the Drones

Perhaps one of the more insidious developments of the Barack Obama presidency has been the normalization as well as public acceptance of the murder by drone policy of the Empire. The man who gets his daily kill list delivered to him along with his orange juice in the morning has not only refined the Bush-Cheney "war on terror" by expanding the use of the killer drones, juicing the surveillance state and further presiding over the looting of the average American in order to finance Wall Street and their foreign  wars of profit but institutionalized it. With the mounting toll of civilian casualties, dismissed by the warmongers so "collateral damage' doing nothing to win hearts and minds and more to create lifelong enemies of the United States one has to wonder whether the creation of the legions of relatives of the dead sworn to avenge the deaths of their loved ones is actually the intent. Nothing quite justifies the beggaring and criminalizing of the lower classes to fund a bloated military and surveillance beast as does an abundance of so-called "terrorists" that provide a constant line of bogeymen.
Former Congressman Ron Paul who is a libertarian calls it like it is in a recent piece published at entitled "Obama's Drone Wars Undermine American Values" where he shows again why he has become a respected elder and a seriously legitimate critic of US foreign policy in the neocon era:
Earlier this month, CIA-operated drones killed as many as 55 people in Yemen in several separate strikes. Although it was claimed that those killed were “militants,” according to press reports at least three civilians were killed and at least five others wounded. That makes at least 92 US drone attacks against Yemen during the Obama administration, which have killed nearly 1,000 people including many civilians.
The latest strikes seem to contradict President Obama’s revised guidelines for targeted killings, which he announced last May. At the time he claimed that drones would only be used against those who posed a “continuing and imminent threat to the American people,” that there must be a “near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured,” and that safeguards to prevent civilian casualties were at “the highest standard we can set.”
None of these criteria seem to have been met. In fact, the threshold in Yemen is considerably lower than the president claims. In 2012 President Obama approved “signature strikes” in Yemen, a criteria for attack that is not based on actual or suspected wrongdoing, but rather on a vague set of behaviors that are said to be shared by militants.
This means that the individuals killed in the most recent drone attacks were not necessarily terrorists or even terrorist suspects. They were not proven to have committed any crime, nor were they proven to have been members of al-Qaeda or any terrorist organization. Yet they were nevertheless targeted for attack, and the sovereignty of Yemen was violated in the process.
Some may claim that we need to kill suspected terrorists overseas so that we can be safer at home. But do the drone attacks in places like Yemen really make us safer? Or are they actually counterproductive? One thing we do know is that one of the strongest recruiting tools for al-Qaeda is the US being over there using drones against people or occupying Muslim countries.
How can we get rid of all the people who may seek to do us harm if our drone and occupation policies continually create even more al-Qaeda members? Are we not just creating an endless supply of tomorrow’s terrorists with our foolish policies today? What example does it set for the rest of the world if the US acts as if it has the right to kill anyone, anywhere, based simply on that individual’s behavior?
We should keep all of this in mind when the US administration lectures world leaders about how they should act in the 21st century. Recently, the US administration admonished Russian president Vladimir Putin for his supposed interference in the affairs of Ukraine, saying that violating the sovereignty of another country is not the 21st century way of conducting international relations. I agree that sovereignty must be respected. But what about the US doing the same thing in places like Yemen? What about the hundreds and even thousands killed by US drones not because they were found guilty of a crime, but because they were exhibiting “behaviors” that led a CIA drone operator safely hidden in New Mexico or somewhere to pull the trigger and end their lives?
What about a president who regularly meets in secret with his advisors to determine who is to be placed on a “kill list” and who refuses to even discuss the criteria for placement on that list? Is this considered acceptable 21st century behavior?
The Obama Administration needs to rein in the CIA and its drone attacks overseas. They make a mockery of American values and they may well make us less safe.
In addition to his latest spot on critique of post September 11, 2001 American foreign policy - sure to set off the puckering assholes at the neocon central propaganda transmission command center The Washington Post or Pravda on the Potomac - but of the "CIA drone operator safely hidden in New Mexico or somewhere to pull the trigger and end their lives". As the Empire evolves into a more efficient killing machine the use of the drones by non-military joystick fondling geeks to murder in the sanitized manner of playing a goddamned video game is another illustration of the moral rottenness that has consumed America carried in like smallpox infected blankets by neoconservative ideologues - cowards who never served one day in the US military.  Former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has a great term for it in a song from his powerful but far too critical for mass consumption "Amused to Death" album, the song is called "The Bravery of Being Out of Range":
Hey bartender over here
Two more shots
And two more beers
Sir turn up the TV sound
The war has started on the ground
Just love those laser guided bombs
They're really great
For righting wrongs
You hit the target
And win the game
From bars 3,000 miles away
3,000 miles away
We play the game
With the bravery of being out of range
What a better way to wage modern war for a nation of detached sheep than turning it into nothing more than a video game where the killer doesn't have to look into the eyes of the victims. Dropping bombs and incendiaries were certainly as detached and cowardly but Obama's drone strikes represent a new level of monstrous immorality. They won't stop either now that the corrupt and contemptible US Senate has bowed to pressure from DNI James Clapper, the man whose main claim to fame is lying to Congress about NSA surveillance of Americans. Language requiring the disclosure of civilian victims of Obama's murder by drone program from a bill has been removed, despite her recent kerfuffle with the CIA DiFi remains an impenetrable firewall of cellulite protecting the criminal activities of the US regime.
Fuck the victims, they were brown-skinned, non-Christian dirty foreign devils anyway, just collateral damage like something icky to be wiped off of the red, white and blue jackboot simply because that is the just way that we roll anymore in our god-kissed, flag-wrapped most of exceptional nations.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Here We Go Again: Another Syria Chemical Weapons Tale

It is hard not to be completely distracted by the endless torrent of war propaganda over Ukraine and getting Americans whipped up into a bloody frenzy of hatred towards Russia and Vladimir Putin but there is another lurid tale of Syrian gas attacks on civilians making the rounds this week. While it is nowhere near as intense an effort to promote lies upon which to base the long-desired apple of the neocon's eye that is regime change in Damascus as we saw back last summer when Obama and his incredible shrinking Secretary of State John Kerry were trying to close the deal for yet another regime change in the Middle East.
There aren't those war porn videos of the poor children who were allegedly the victims of the use of chemical weapons by the "New Hitler" of the week Bashar al-Assad on civilians that the missing airplane network CNN looped over and over again in excruciating detail. The sheer cynicism of the Obama regime, one that has always been built upon a foundation of horseshit was laid bare for all to see before Putin saved the day, an act that was a terminal blow to the embedded neoconservatives and according to journalist Robert Parry over at the great Consortium News may have been - along with the desire to sink the P5+1 Iran talks - the impetus for the unfolding debacle in Kiev. This certainly resonates with the sort of tactics that the Leo Strauss inspired Machiavellian masturbators resort to in selling their illegal wars of aggression.
Despite the US war machine having never been able to definitively prove that the Sarin used in Ghouta indeed came from Assad's government and despite the account that was too volcanic to mention in the poisoned state-corporate media in The Homeland by Seymour Hersh that writes of a potential false flag Turkish involvement the neocons are flogging the fairy tales about gas attacks anew. The latest offering from the mighty megaphones of living high on the hog US war propagandists and their NATO allies is the claim that chlorine gas has been used nine times since February. According to a story in The Guardian (also with an image of suffering children as a sales tactic):
The global body supervising the surrender of Syria's chemical weapons is to investigate fresh claims that a less dangerous – but still lethal – chlorine gas has been used in recent attacks on opposition areas.
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has announced it will investigate allegations that chlorine has been used at least nine times since February, killing scores of people and wounding hundreds more.
The move follows intensive lobbying from the US and France who have both indicated in the past fortnight that they believe the Syrian government has been responsible for the attacks.
Note the hypocrisy in that now the neocons are throwing in with those previously mocked and detested "cheese eating surrender monkeys" in Paris whose failure to support Bush-Cheney's military misadventures resulted in much outrage back in 2003. Such stupid behavior as the US House of Representatives (as big a collection of childish assholes that exists today) to rename french fries as freedom fries and a scary proposal by Florida Republican Ginny Brown-Waite who represents the textbook example for gerrymandered districts in Florida's 5th to exhume the bodies of the American war dead who were killed during the "good war" at Normandy and returning them home for burial as a retaliatory gesture to the "ungrateful French" are now forgotten but in attention deficit America a decade may as well be eternity.
Just as forgotten as the lessons of the ruinous - although massively profitable - war in Iraq and to a lesser degree the one in Afghanistan that Obama adopted like a Portuguese water dog puppy. With everything now focused on the support of the coup regime in Ukraine and the ongoing Russia bashing don't discount the ability of the neocons to work to slide a military attack on Syria under the radar. This piece by Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former director of policy planning in the US State Department per her byline at a website Project Syndicate is indicative of the sorty of deranged thinking that has helped to punch the ticket of this once great country towards damnation. I excerpt from the following "Stopping Russia Starts in Syria":
The solution to the crisis in Ukraine lies in part in Syria. It is time for US President Barack Obama to demonstrate that he can order the offensive use of force in circumstances other than secret drone attacks or covert operations. The result will change the strategic calculus not only in Damascus, but also in Moscow, not to mention Beijing and Tokyo.
Many argue that Obama’s climb-down from his threatened missile strikes against Syria last August emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin to annex Crimea. But it is more likely that Putin acted for domestic reasons – to distract Russians’ attention from their country’s failing economy and to salve the humiliation of watching pro-European demonstrators oust the Ukrainian government he backed.
Regardless of Putin’s initial motivations, he is now operating in an environment in which he is quite certain of the parameters of play. He is weighing the value of further dismemberment of Ukraine, with some pieces either joining Russia or becoming Russian vassal states, against the pain of much stronger and more comprehensive economic sanctions. Western use of force, other than to send arms to a fairly hapless Ukrainian army, is not part of the equation.
That is a problem. In the case of Syria, the US, the world’s largest and most flexible military power, has chosen to negotiate with its hands tied behind its back for more than three years. This is no less of a mistake in the case of Russia, with a leader like Putin who measures himself and his fellow leaders in terms of crude machismo.
It is time to change Putin’s calculations, and Syria is the place to do it. Through a combination of mortars that shatter entire city quarters, starvation, hypothermia, and now barrel bombs that spray nails and shrapnel indiscriminately, President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have seized the advantage. Slowly but surely, the government is reclaiming rebel-held territory.
Realist” foreign policy analysts openly describe Assad as the lesser evil compared to the Al Qaeda-affiliated members of the opposition; others see an advantage in letting all sides fight it out, tying one another down for years. Moreover, the Syrian government does appear to be slowly giving up its chemical weapons, as it agreed last September to do.
 The problem is that if Assad continues to believe that he can do anything to his people except kill them with chemicals, he will exterminate his opponents, slaughtering everyone he captures and punishing entire communities, just as his father, Hafez al-Assad, massacred the residents of Hama in 1982. He has demonstrated repeatedly that he is cut from the same ruthless cloth.
Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, Assad has fanned fears of what Sunni opposition forces might do to the Alawites, Druze, Christians and other minorities if they won. But we need not speculate about Assad’s behavior. We have seen enough.
 A US strike against the Syrian government now would change the entire dynamic. It would either force the regime back to the negotiating table with a genuine intention of reaching a settlement, or at least make it clear that Assad will not have a free hand in re-establishing his rule.
Jesus Christ.. Colonel Kurtz has reached the end of the river here. Ms. Slaughter (how apropos a name) is indicative of the thinking that has set this country on the road to historical damnation if not the compilation of a body count that in the end would exceed that of all of the 'great" mass murderers of history driven by an insane ideology and that it is now pretty much the conventional wisdom bodes very ill for all of the subjects of the Empire as well as humanity itself.

Flip Flopper John Kerry Strikes Again

John "Skull and Bones" Kerry's tour de force as Obama's Secretary of State continues. Taking a break from his tirades against Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the refusal of Eastern Ukraine to fall into line to support the US installed, neo-Nazi infested puppet government in Kiev the esteemed Mr. Kerry stumbled into dangerous territory for a US establishment figure. In a speech at what has been described as a closed door meeting of The Trilateral Commission in a Daily Beast exclusive, Kerry bemoaned the demise of the latest round of Israel-Palestine peace talks and commented that Israel was on the way to becoming an "apartheid state", a similar accusation that had poor old Jimmy Carter nailed to a cross of anti-Semitism several years back when he wrote a book with the same dreaded A word in the title.
It was astounding, after racking up the frequent flyer miles and preaching falsehoods from everything on that now retracted New York Times story by Michael Gordon on the presence of Russian special forces troops in Ukraine that was bullshit to the trumped up case for war on Syria over a mysterious use of Sarin gas on civilians that Kerry would actually blurt out something that was true. It was like the movie Liar, Liar in which a serial fibber played by Jim Carrey was as a consequence of his young son's birthday wish forced to tell the truth for one whole day. I excerpt the following from the Daily Beast Story:
Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term “apartheid” in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to the Jewish state. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and it could attract unwanted attention in Israel, as well.
It wasn't the only controversial comment on the Middle East that Kerry made during his remarks to the Trilateral Commission, a recording of which was obtained by The Daily Beast. Kerry also repeated his warning that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens. He suggested that a change in either the Israeli or Palestinian leadership could make achieving a peace deal more feasible. He lashed out against Israeli settlement-building. And Kerry said that both Israeli and Palestinian leaders share the blame for the current impasse in the talks.
Kerry also said that at some point, he might unveil his own peace deal and tell both sides to “take it or leave it.”
Kerry's comments in addition to his own "take it or leave it" deal immediately enraged people from Washington to Jerusalem and the backlash was severe. One of the few bipartisan things that the dysfunctional and corrupt pack of perverts, jackals, crooks, Birchers, Christian nutcases and reprobates in Congress can agree on besides wars and the increased power vested in the NSA Stasi surveillance machine is of course their slavering support for a foreign country that is Israel. Kerry was right this time too much like the common phrase about the broken clock but for this he is being vilified. Long known as a flip-flopper, an accusation that he was beaten to a pulp with in the 2004 presidential election Kerry did it again and has since issued an apology. This also was in The Daily Beast:
In a statement issued Monday evening, Kerry defended his record as a supporter of Israel but also said, "if I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution."
Jewish organizations in the United States like AIPAC and the Anti Defamation League quickly expressed their dismay at Kerry's private Apartheid remarks. In a statement, Abe Foxman, the president of the Anti Defamation League said ”it is startling and deeply disappointing that a diplomat so knowledgeable and experienced about democratic Israel chose to use such an inaccurate and incendiary term.” These remarks were echoed in a statement from AIPAC, the bipartisan pro-Israel lobby, which said “Any suggestion that Israel is, or is at risk of becoming, an apartheid state is offensive and inappropriate.”
Politicians also got involved in the brouhaha. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) urged Kerry to apologize, saying that the Secretary of State’s remarks "are extremely disappointing. The use of the word apartheid has routinely been dismissed as both offensive and inaccurate, and Secretary Kerry's use of it makes peace even harder to achieve." Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a possible 2016 presidential candidate, shared Cantor’s outrage, saying “these comments are outrageous and disappointing.”
While it is very amusing to see Kerry hoisted upon his own petard today I am curious as to where the denunciations are from AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and other US domestic Israeli groups over the puppet government in Keiv's alliance with some of the most loathsome neo-Nazis in Europe. The hits from the Republicans are expected in an election year with both Eric Cantor and Marco Rubio being overly ambitious little shits trying to curry favor from the Israel Lobby. This could though provide a wonderful opportunity for Obama to jettison Kerry before the stupid bastard ends up starting World War III because the knives are now out for Kerry.
I am sure that Putin is kicking back with a bowl of popcorn laughing his ass off at Obama's pet buffoon at Foggy Bottom.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Ugly American: Sarah Palin Jokes about Torture at NRA Convention

“waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists”
-Sarah “the quitter” Palin
In yet another of standard bits of shameful and anti-American behavior that  charlatans engage in, Sarah 'lock and load' Palin has emerged from semi-obscurity as the long tapered end of a turd pokes through the water in the toilet. I really and truly work very hard to ignore the celebrated by national media figure of the piece of Wasilla white trash hit it big like the Clampetts. I mean why encourage her because attention, mouse clicks and liberal wails of outrage is what she feeds on but I just have to weigh in on her latest abhorrently ignorant comment simply because it truly defines the post September 11, 2001 Homeland.  Most importantly Palin’s latest contribution to the decline of decent American society reflects upon how this country allowed first the Bush-Cheney and then the Obama regimes to transform what was once the US occupation of the moral high ground, or as Reagan referred to it that “shining city on the hill” into a dumbed-down, impoverished and meaner than a snake torture state.
In a speech before the NRA Convention in Indianapolis, the Joan of Arc of American ignoramuses brought down the house with the applause line of  “waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists”. First off we must remember that this is the National Rifle Association, once a true bastion of American responsibility and the reverence towards the Second Amendment but hijacked to become an increasingly insane arm of the Republican party and most importantly the gun and ammunition industry. After the "Cincinnati Revolt" and then under the ‘leadership of the deranged  Wayne LaPierre the NRA has become increasingly shrill, scaring the shit out of the – and I love this politically correct term – “low information voters” that the big, bad Muslim bogeyman at 1600 Pennsylvania is going to send forth his militant ACORN Negro army to engage in gun confiscations. I mean really, how fucking stupid do you have to be to buy into that sort of horseshit. Then there is the unwashed  smack-talking baby daddydraft dodger and washed up 1970s rocker Ted Nugent who is their pride and joy as a standard bearer. Lots to be proud of getting in line behind a coward who shit in his pants at his local draft board to avoid being sent to Vietnam, a land where real people shot back unlike the defenseless animals that ‘the Nuge’ thrills in slaughtering for fun. Not that I am smearing hunters in general, most of whom are responsible American gun owners who like myself who owns a few would never tarnish myself by throwing in with the NRA traveling carnival of perversion.
But Palin would. I wonder just how much dough that that greedy bitch pulled down for her speech but I would venture that it is a lot. The woman is like a bad case of genital Herpes just isn’t going away and like the parasite that refuses to detach itself from its host Sarah Barracuda just continues to poke her proboscis back into the national political scene.  There is no other person in the land, other than Donald Trump who truly exemplifies the ugly American in all of their resplendent glory. While our troops are still overseas trapped in a never-ending series of wars, both declared and undeclared against Muslims leave it to a loudmouthed dolt like Palin to not only further shit on the honor of the pre-9/11 US of A where we didn’t revel in crimes that had people hanged at Nuremberg but to endanger our troops by feeding into the belief that the wars are indeed an extension of the primitive form of Christianity that lead to the Crusades. While idiots here on our star-spangled lemming farm have very short term memories rest assured that the Islamic radicals (some of whom are being supported by the Obama regime in Syria, a collection of brutes, al Qaeda members and savages with a taste for human flesh) don’t forget what happened centuries ago.
Nice job Palin and even more evidence at why the Republican party, after their coming electoral wave in November thanks largely to the type of morons that she and Ted Nugent appeal to showing up to vote by the thousands will be washed away by the coming flush of the toilet that will be Hillary and the record turnout in 2016 that will ride on her tail.
If you happen to be a principled conservative or libertarian you have to be aghast at the ongoing damage that this woman and the mouth-breathers that she appeals to continue to do to this once great country.  The same NRA dupes who are as manipulated by gun industry shills like LaPierre as they are by Palin and Nugent cheer the new Georgia gun law that allows for the government to force private property owners to let gun toting yahoos into their places of business with zero goddamned regard for their rights if one of them gets into a gunfight inside. But then again we are talking about Georgia, a state that makes their southern neighbor, Florida – the diseased penis of America- look like a bastion of integrity and freedom.
Shame on her and all who are down with making torture such as that committed by the Nazis into the punch line for a joke and as American as apple pie in the new American century. 
Maybe she can suck Ted Nugent's slimy dick for an encore.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Corrupt US Establishment Sells “Yats” to Pitch their War

While Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry frantically work to push for the war over Ukraine that the neocon ideologues, global finance mafia, big corporations and the military machine so badly desire an emerging strategy is becoming obvious. The establishment is going to sell the illegitimately installed puppet Prime Minster in Kiev, Arseniy "Yats" Yatsenyuk as a credible pitchman for their lies.
"Yats", a former central banker is of course the chosen man for the US backed coup government annexation of Ukraine into the western domain of looter capitalism and ultimately into NATO. This much has been apparent ever since that famously intercepted phone call between assistant US Secretary of State Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt discussing the installation of Yatsenyuk before neo-Nazi and fascist thugs turned the streets of Kiev into a battle zone to violently topple sitting democratically elected leader Viktor Yanukovych. It was already a done deal and Nuland had just gone in front of corporate interests to boast about the billions already invested in opening up of Ukraine for exploitation. Now as the situation teeters on the edge of a massive US backed slaughter of anti-austerity, pro-Russian Eastern Ukraine protesters the American people need to be able do identify with the leader tasked with the upcoming carnage.
So there is the marketing of "Yats" for domestic consumption. There was the Easter Sunday appearance on Meet The Press to push the talking points about the menace of Russian leader Vladimir Putin's mythical restoration of the Soviet Empire and peddle the discredited sleaze about the bogus Jew registration leaflets passed out by masked men in Donestk. David Gregory served up the question to "Yats" who then whipped out a shovel of bloody red meat to the sheeple on their hallowed day of religious reverence:
DAVID GREGORY: Final question. There have been ghastly reports coming out of eastern Ukraine this week about some kind of forces forcing Jews in the eastern part of the country to register with local authorities. What do you make of this? Are these accurate? Are Jews particularly at risk?
ARSENIY YATSENYUK: We got information that these so-called peaceful protesters with light ammunition in their hands, that they sent a number of bulletins saying that everyone who is a Jew to be indicated as a Jew. And today in the morning, I made a clear statement urged Ukrainian military and security forces and Ukrainian Department of Homeland Security urgently to find these bastards and to bring them to justice.
The "bastards" of course are working in the employ of the Empire, probably culled from the same gaggle of rancid neo-Nazis that were used for the coup and Yatasenyuk's search for them will be undertaken with as much a fervor as O.J's avowed hunt for the real killers. If they are found at all it will likely be a bunch of patsies gunned down by Kiev's thugs with a massive amount of planted 'evidence'.
This weekend in order to further burnish the image of "Yats" he was provided an audience with the Pope himself. He was shoehorned into the busy Vatican schedule for the ceremonies for the canonization of opes John Paul II and John XXIII. It is more than a bit ironic that the current pontiff, Pope Francis received Yatsenyuk when a far more appropriate host would have been his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI. Herr Ratzinger, as a former member of the Hitler Youth had much more in common with "Yats" and his Svoboda and Right Sector infested junta than Pope Francis, whose calls for peace and moderation kind of fly in the face of the Ukrainian occupiers neo-Nazi ideology. But of course Americans can't be bothered with such inconvenient trivialities, it is the fucking Pope for God's sake and the sheep will devour it as the obscene spectacle that it is - not that they know better given the dismal sources of information that they rely upon in The Homeland.
The key is in legitimizing the man since all of the reports of events in Ukraine are promoted in the state-corporate media as being the official account of the Ukrainian government. I would suggest that Russia Today (RT) be regularly checked for some well need balance to the propaganda even if Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry has virulently denounced it as propaganda "bullhorn"  while omitting any reference to the lies pumped out by FOX,CNN and MSNBC but that's the way that Kerry rolls. Hell, it's not like you have to buy into everything at RT but at least you are getting the other side  rather than the horseshit pumped out here by the Obama regime. Sure the Pope promised to help Ukraine but he is the Pope for Christ's sake, he promises to help everybody - like Jesus would do. But this is all for show set up by those more cynical than the Pope could ever aspire to be were he so inclined.
Yatsenyuk is really nothing more than a product sold under false pretenses just like Obama himself and it would be silly to expect that he wouldn't be embraced by the masses of asses here in our flag-swaddled, god-kissed, armed to the teeth land of Idiocracy.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Queen Hillary the Inevitable Joins the Fray

It was a foregone conclusion but Hillary Rodham-Clinton has just locked down the Democratic party nod to replace Barack Obama as the reigning imperial warlord of planet Earth. She may as well just start picking out the color of the drapes for the Oval Office because it is a done deal. Elizabeth Warren? You have to be kidding. Joe Biden? He personifies Lyndon B. Johnson’s famous description of Gerald Ford as “so dumb he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time" - no way. The Republicans have zilch and their coming electoral triumph in November will be washed away by Hillary and mass voter turnout for the Democratic party like a silly little sandcastle in 2016. While the push is on for the restoration of the Bush dynasty with Dubya’s smarter brother Jeb, let's face it - he just isn’t racist enough to appeal to the dregs of the GOP base. Chris Christie? The greatest gasbag flameout in the state of NJ since The Hindenburg crash. Rand Paul? He tries too hard to appeal that the same base and ends up being associated with Negro hating yahoo’s like conservative talk radio hero Cliven Bundy while moderating his principled criticism of the NSA Stasi and US interventionism and never ending war and serves as his own worst enemy. When it comes to triangulation there is nothing quite like a Clinton and Hillary will be sworn in as the forty fifth president of the United States come January 2017. Chisel it in stone.
Mrs. Clinton’s de facto entry into the race occurred when she jumped on the authoritarian bandwagon when she spoke at the University of Connecticut this past week and pulled off a Mike Rogers style dirty knee-capping of former government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Mrs. Clinton’s remarks also doubled down on the Snowden as Russian agent meme so hammered by Rogers and this fellow jackbooted scum when she invoked the devil Putin along with the patriotic Snowden. I excerpt from a piece at Mother Jones where the video can also be viewed:
Clinton questioned Snowden's intentions in fleeing the country before offerring his information to the public. "When he emerged and when he absconded with all that material, I was puzzled, because we have all these protections for whistleblowers," Clinton said, when the moderator asked if there had been any positive effects for security policy following the NSA leaks. "If he were concerned and wanted to be part of the American debate, he could have been. But it struck me as—I just have to be honest with you—as sort of odd that he would flee to China, because Hong Kong is controlled by China, and that he would then go to Russia, two countries with which we have very difficult cyber-relationships, to put it mildly."
Clinton also suggested that Snowden had inadvertently helped terrorists. "I think turning over a lot of that material—intentionally or unintentionally, because of the way it can be drained—gave all kinds of information, not only to big countries, but to networks and terrorist groups and the like," she said.
Not that Hillary’s credentials as a world class bullshitter were ever in question and as one whose inclination is to go full neocon to the extent that she is worshipped by warmongers but she is parroting the official state lies in a warm up for what is to be a tour de force media blitzkrieg for the next two years or so.  We already have seen that nobody in the corrupt state-corporate media ever bothers to call any of these criminals in high places out for their horseshit, we saw it with the lies peddled on Syria’s alleged gas attack, on the NSA unconstitutional surveillance and data-mining and now on pushing a false one-sided narrative for a war on Russia via Ukraine. The presstitutes live for a chance to carry water for someone like Hillary, the nation’s first female president who is hellbent on ensuring her place in history and nothing could be more pleasing to the power elite, the moronic identity group obsessed liberals and their grand wars for humanitarianism than her finishing the job of the establishment of the global Empire.
There is no better example of the coming wave of media adoration than the recent gut-wrenching AP Story entitled “McCain-Clinton Bond Crosses Partisan Waters” from which I excerpt the following:
Sen. John McCain and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton share a friendship forged in the Senate and on fact-finding trips around the globe. And then there were those vodka shots in Estonia.
He's a former Republican presidential nominee. She could be the next Democratic presidential nominee. Lately, the Clintons and McCains seem to have embraced each other, offering up their families' working relationship as an example of ways that political leaders can overcome the partisan divide.
Clinton and McCain are appearing together Saturday in Sedona, Ariz., at the McCain Institute's annual gathering of political, business and philanthropic leaders. The closed-door forum - no reporters are allowed - comes as Clinton presents an above-the-fray image in speeches that often criticize the polarization of national politics and could serve as a warm-up to a presidential campaign.
Last month, McCain was a guest of the Clintons at their annual meeting of college students. Former President Bill Clinton welcomed McCain to the stage at Arizona State University, drawing laughs when he suggested their friendship might be a liability.
McCain is "a good friend of Hillary's and mine, although we permit him to deny it at election time," Clinton said. He credited McCain, who spent 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, with helping him normalize relations with Vietnam in 1995.
Clinton recalled that McCain conferred with him during the 2008 campaign after Russia invaded neighboring Georgia. "You called me and said, `Look, I know you're on the other side, but we need to talk about Georgia,'" Clinton said. McCain returned the favor, complimenting Clinton's post-White House work and willingness "to make tough decisions."
The Clinton-McCain relationship flourished in the Senate while the two worked together on the Armed Services Committee; they traveled with other lawmakers to Iraq, the Arctic and the Baltics. During a 2004 visit to Estonia, the senators reportedly shared vodka shots after a day of meetings, a tale that generated chatter as the two prepared for their 2008 presidential campaigns.
"From a personal experience, there is nothing quite like traveling in Europe with John McCain and Hillary Clinton. It's like being on tour with the Beatles and the (Rolling) Stones," said former Sen. John E. Sununu, a New Hampshire Republican who attended the Baltic trip. He politely declined to discuss the vodka story.
You just have to love it, the references to partisan acrimony apparently never take into account the two things that ALWAYS unite the dueling crime syndicates in Washington – WAR!  There will be plenty of it too with the Clinton restoration and by the time that she is finished Obama will look like a real Nobel Peace Prize winner by comparison. When a bloodthirsty, pathological war criminal like John McCain has your back you have been firmly identified as someone who can be sure to max out the body count.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Wag The Finger: John Kerry's Increasing Instability

It is by now obvious that the US created Ukraine crisis is not headed towards a happy ending and the Obama regime now is going to engage in the act of war of slapping even more onerous economic sanctions on Russia. When historians look back on all of this - which may well be the beginning of the end of the haughty, hubris crazed American Empire if not the end of human life - it the incredibly irresponsible three headed monster of Obama-Biden-Kerry and their legions of neocon and liberal interventionist winged monkeys to blame for it all. They are just going to continue to push and every day of bullying brings an increased possibility that someone goes off the reservation and unleashes the nukes in a fit of pique. These are very perilous times and despite being given ample opportunity to back it down Barry and the boys are prepared to take it to the palace, or in this case the Kremlin in what obviously is a personal vendetta against their personification of the devil himself Vladimir Putin. Pity that our elitist rulers are unable to set aside their petty little egos in the interest of greater things - such as not instigating a global thermonuclear war.
In many ways it is an existential crisis for the criminal class enriched by western finance capitalism which long ago destroyed free enterprise and turned into a global syndicate of gangsters who would never, ever be satisfied in their relentless quest to own it all. With the entire world nearly colonized even while the crooked and cooked financial system is rapidly disintegrating all that it takes is a guy like Putin to take a stand and tell the globalists to go and fuck themselves. The ultimate nightmare for the high finance mafia and the rapacious corporate parasites of the US and EU and the bloated military parasite NATO would be for Putin to be allowed to get off the hook and set an example for other countries not exactly enamored with the American Imperial way of doing business. Say China, India and Iran similarly decide to tell Uncle Sam to cram the thievery, repression and austerity up his star spangled asshole. It could trigger the big flush of the toilet that while bringing a wave of economic misery - and possibly revolt here in The Homeland as it takes the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a bag of fucking Doritos - could finally cleanse the system and hit the reset that the banksters lobbied so hard to avoid back during the 2008 implosion. This would truly be a good thing despite the obvious downside mobs in the streets once the ATM's stop functioning and the grocery store shelves run bare and the wave of violence that would accompany it but let's think long term here. Such a flushing of the Wall Street global finance racket toilet would certainly not be good for the high-rolling one percent, their whores in Washington and the media though, many could find themselves either swinging from the end of a rope or marched up the steps to the guillotine by the rabble. John Forbes Kerry can go to the front of the line too.
While Biden be the dumbest bastard to serve as VP since Dan Quayle he pales in comparison to Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry who in the aftermath of his latest foreign policy disaster - the Israel-Palestine peace talks going up in flames continues his trademark finger wagging and bloviating about sanctions on Russia. The latest Kerry threat being that of an "expensive mistake"  or actually a "grave and expensive mistake" - just like the engineers of US foreign policy and their ongoing series of unnecessary (unless you are politically connected and profit from the death and destruction) goddamned wars. Kerry is increasingly unhinged as of late and has been reduced to a cartoon figure, were it not for the largest military and surveillance machine in the history of the universe he would be both shunned and mocked for he has zero credibility that isn't backed by armed predator drones, bombers, missiles and assassination squads, both JSOC and hired mercenaries. The man is a joke and brings to mind the late, great H.L. Mencken's scathing portrayal of William Jennings Bryan:  " his best, was simply a magnificent job-seeker. The issues that he bawled about usually meant nothing to him. He was ready to abandon them whenever he could make votes by doing so, and to take up new ones at a moment's notice". The very idea that Kerry was so close to becoming the President of the United States in 2004 makes one's opinion of the moronic George W. Bush that much higher.
Then there is Obama, who is nothing more than a foot stool for corporations and Wall Street is doing likewise in pushing the EU to support upping the financial punishment against Russia - at some point, if not already this is an act of war and Putin is to be commended for his restraint . These blindly rich pig fuckers just don't get it, they like the rest of the American looter capitalist class think that everything can be reduced to money and that in declaring economic warfare against a nuclear power, especially Russia with it's nationalist history, resentment over being screwed over the terms of the breakup of the USSR after the Cold War by double dealing American political swine who then expanded NATO and began surrounding Russia with missiles and the fact that the US establishment started this mess in the first place. The hysterics over the 40,000 Russian troops on the border of Ukraine is nonsense because the forces are IN RUSSIA although thanks to the Obama administration and the imminent coming rampage of US backed extremist death squads Russia has ordered the commencement of military exercises. With Obama's dispatching of hundreds of special forces troops to Poland this thing just continues to verge on spinning completely out of control.
Just another day of American dumb-assery stay tuned for the next episode entitled "as the shit flies".

(Image: The Guardian)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Despite More Lies Being Exposed the Obama Provocations Continue

The infamous aluminum tubes that were a vital piece of the tapestry of lies making the case that Saddam Hussein was pursuing nuclear weapons was a critical component in selling the American sheeple on the Shock and Awe attack on Iraq. The story was given added heft in that it was published in the exalted New York Times and was used by the Bush-Cheney regime despite the fact that the story was a lie - not revealed until after it had served the purpose. It was a neocon plant in the nation’s newspaper of record although that led to the attack and invasion of a country that did not even remotely threaten Americans.  The writers responsible for that aluminum tube story were the now  disgraced Judith Miller - who was later embroiled in the intentional outing of CIA officer Valerie Plame that ultimately resulted in the takedown of Dick Cheney’s hatchet man Scooter Libby as well as another reporter named Michael Gordon.  Mr. Gordon is back as an embedded stenographer for the warmongers and his recent piece (where he shares the byline with two others) in the New York Timesfeaturing pictures that proved that Russian provocateurs were indeed instigating the anti-austerity rebellion in Eastern Ukraine was picked up as a critical piece of the Obama regime's bizarre and furious push towards a war with Russia.  The problem is (and of course there are many in the saturation bombing of propaganda in the US state-corporate media) that the pictures are bogus and the story has been quietly retracted just days after it was published.
Not that the retraction - buried inside the paper - matters, the damage has been done and the public, conditioned to get their McNews in bit sized bits and pieces, being the headline readers that they are won't notice that it was all more Kiev crap. Gordon and the White House made a big deal out of the legitimacy of the photos, as per the original piece "Photos Link Masked Men in East Ukraine to Russia" I excerpt:
For two weeks, the mysteriously well-armed, professional gunmen known as “green men” have seized Ukrainian government sites in town after town, igniting a brush fire of separatist unrest across eastern Ukraine. Strenuous denials from the Kremlin have closely followed each accusation by Ukrainian officials that the world was witnessing a stealthy invasion by Russian forces.
Now, photographs and descriptions from eastern Ukraine endorsed by the Obama administration on Sunday suggest that many of the green men are indeed Russian military and intelligence forces — equipped in the same fashion as Russian special operations troops involved in annexing the Crimea region in February. Some of the men photographed in Ukraine have been identified in other photos clearly taken among Russian troops in other settings.
That the pics provided by the coup regime and "endorsed by the Obama administration" being exposed as lies is not in any way stopping the ongoing push towards confrontation with Russia and the detested Putin whose humiliation of Obama with saving NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden from a US torture gulag and preventing a war on Syria based on more lies. Preceding the Michael Gordon presstitution was of course that discredited hoax about masked men handing out leaflets in Donestk demanding that Jews register with the authorities. The word that this was a crock of shit (interestingly coming right after CIA director John Brennan visited Kiev) either did not reach Obama officials or they are in on the con because they are still using it. The anti-Semitism card is a very powerful tool, this is especially so in The Homeland where those with agendas that serve Zionist expansionism and the Israeli right-wing regime of Benjamin Netanyahu play it often to discourage honest reportage on the Israel-Palestinian crisis. That is another story for another time though. The point is that the leaflets are still being used by those in the US power structure to further demonize Russia.
Joe Biden, possibly the dumbest motherfucker to occupy the office of Vice President - at since Dan Quayle - just completed his virtuoso whirlwind tour of bullshit visiting the coup government in Kiev invoked the anti-Semite talisman once more. In a piece published by The Times of Israel entitled "Biden in Kiev: ‘No place’ for anti-Semitism in Ukraine" I excerpt the following:
Addressing a reported uptick in anti-Jewish actions in Ukraine, including a flyer distributed in the eastern city of Donetsk calling on Jews to register with pro-Russian authorities, Biden said the US condemned any threat or attack on the Jewish community in Ukraine.
 “Just as corruption can have no place in the new Ukraine, neither can anti-Semitism or bigotry,” said Biden, standing alongside acting Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. “Let me say that again, neither can anti-Semitism or bigotry. No place. None. Zero. The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms all threats and attacks against Ukrainian Jewish communities as well as Roma and others, as you do, as well, I know, Mr. Prime Minister.”
 In his remarks, Yatsenyuk did not address anti-Semitism or attacks on Jewish institutions, making do with a broader reference to meeting “the highest standards of protecting human rights and the rights of citizens.”
Biden also warned Russia on Tuesday that “it’s time to stop talking and start acting” to reduce tension in its neighbor to the southwest, offering a show of support for the besieged nation as an international agreement aimed at stemming its ongoing crisis appeared in doubt.
That this asinine man can dare to stand right next to the US puppet "Yats" and get on his high horse over some black propaganda anti-Semitic leaflets ignoring the fact that "Yats" occupation was accomplished largely with the help of neo-Nazis and fascist extremists from Svoboda and Right Sector who are really Jew haters is  jaw-dropping. That this massive scandal in the use of American taxpayer money to finance neo-Nazis even more so. Those US backed anti-Semites in the Ukrainian government are never mentioned by any of the corrupt swine in the American media, particularly David Gregory or Michael Gordon and certainly not by Biden nor the buffoon that is Secretary of State John Kerry. It doesn't fit the Putin as Hitler narrative.
Obama meanwhile continues to arrogantly instigate global powers, the latest being China when during this “Pacific pivot” trip to Japan where he once again came dangerously close to drawubg one of his idiotic and troublesome "red lines" by taking Japan's side in a long running and contentious dispute with China over the Senkaku Islands. Per a story in The Guardian:
The US is duty-bound to come to Japan’s aid in the event of a conflict with China over a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea, Barack Obama declared at the start of a tour of Asia aimed at reassuring Washington’s allies in the face of threats to stability from North Korea and an increasingly assertive China.
Obama went further than some analysts had expected in reassuring the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, that Japan’s dispute with China over the Senkakus – known in China as the Diaoyu – were covered by the allies’ post-war security treaty.
But he reiterated Washington’s refusal to take sides in the sovereignty dispute and called on China and Japan to resolve their differences through dialogue.
“Our commitment to Japan’s security is absolute and article five [of the security treaty] covers all territories under Japan’s administration, including the Senkaku islands,” Obama said during a joint press conference with Abe.
While hedging somewhat in calling for a peaceful resolution of the conflict it is beginning to look as though the US is now rebuilding the WW II Axis with the inclusion of The Homeland and NATO in a 21st century push for the same global domination of the infamous man with the mustache.  History has shown how that turned out but in America there is neither the widespread knowledge of such nor the ability to learn from it.
As the old Chinese curse goes "may you live in interesting times"