Monday, October 21, 2013

The Exceptional: We Honor Our War Criminals

In another example of just how exceptional that we are in the American Homeland the state corporate media aired an extended interview with one Richard B. Cheney on 60 Minutes yesterday. The interview, conducted by celebrity physician Dr. Sanjay Gupta was puff piece that put a good amount of lipstick on a pig to always accentuate the positive by turning the rotten old bastard into some sort of national model on cardiac health. Cheney’s recent heart transplant – one has to wonder how many less well-heeled and connected recipients were leapfrogged - allowed for his continued presence upon this mortal coil. It is somehow grossly wrong that this man whose policies have resulted in well over a hundred thousand deaths as well as the implementation of a vast domestic fascist police state is not being trotted out on national television as some sort of sympathetic elder figure. It should be noted that Cheney was also pimping his new book, the latest in a series of writings by former Bush regime figures that keep the money rolling in as they tour the country feted as beloved champions.

We honor our war criminals here in America. Look at another former Bush aide, Condoleeza Rice whose lies about the potential for a smoking gun as a mushroom cloud helped to sell the war in Iraq and who has been tabbed as a member of the new NCAA college football playoff selection committee. The best public relations that money can buy is a contemptible and corrupt media propaganda machine that normalizes the abnormal and always promotes the post September 11, 2001 national religion of eternal war. Rice and Cheney should have been tried a the Hague and both should currently be rotting in prison cells but that isn’t the way that we roll in the USA..USA..USA. The Cheney hagiography, outside of serving as a national public health forum was also notably disturbing in that it provided additional insight into the diseased mind of a paranoid.  Cheney revealed that he was concerns that a “terrorist” may have had thoughts about hacking his pacemaker. A story in the beltway edition of Inside Baseball Politico states:
Dick Cheney’s heart problems are well known.

What isn’t widely known is that the former vice president had the wireless feature of his implanted defibrillator disabled so nobody could attempt to assassinate him by hacking into the device.
During a “60 Minutes” interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta scheduled to air on CBS this Sunday, Cheney said his cardiologist feared a terrorist could send a signal to the device to make him go into cardiac arrest.
“And it seemed to me to be a bad idea for the vice president to have a device that maybe somebody on a rope line or in the next hotel room or downstairs might be able to get into— hack into,” Dr. Jonathan Reiner said, according to the show’s transcript. “And I worried that someone could kill you.”
During the interview Cheney reveals that he watched an episode of Showtime’s “Homeland” last year in which a terrorist kills the vice president by sending a fatal signal to his cardiac implant.
“Because I know from the experience we had and the necessity for adjusting my own device that it was an accurate portrayal of what was possible,” the former vice president said.

This lunatic was within a heartbeat of the nuclear launch codes but arguably with George W. Bush as president Cheney likely had already circumvented the chain of command. On hearing this latest tidbit from the former veep we should all be down on our knees thanking God today that he never got that wild hair up his ass and went balls out General Jack D. Ripper rogue, launching a global thermonuclear war. The fears of the heart hack are not the only exhibits in the gallery of the mind of a madman. I recall a 2006 Vanity Fair article on Cheney admitting that he always traveled with a biological weapons protective suit within reach:

National Editor Todd Purdum reports that Cheney travels with a chemical-biological suit at all times. When he gave his friend Robin West and his twin children a ride to the White House a couple of years ago, West commented on the fact that Cheney's motorcade varied its daily path. "And he said, 'Yeah, we take different routes so that "The Jackal" can't get me,'" West tells Purdum. "And then there was this big duffel bag in the middle of the backseat, and I said, 'What's that? It's not very roomy in here.' And [Cheney] said, 'No, because it's a chemical-biological suit,' and he looked at it and said, 'Robin, there's only one. You lose.'"

With the reference from the propagandistic series Homeland I would think that Mr. Cheney watches too much television, not that an immersion in a fantasy world is something that is rare in this sordid, collapsing society. I suspect that Dick as an avid fan of the enormously popular Fox torture infomercial "24" back during his days in office. CBS should be ashamed of their polishing up of Cheney's legacy to be anything other than the Machiavellian, paranoid, torture loving, war mongering monster that he is - were such a thing as shame to actually exist in the corporate-state media which it doesn't.

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