Friday, October 18, 2013

NSA Stasi Commandant to Step Down

General Keith Alexander is going to have plenty of time to catch up on Star Trek trivia soon. The man in charge of Obama’s massive surveillance apparatus is leaving the NSA in early 2014. Call it the death of a thousand cuts, Alexander had become such a lightning rod for the unconstitutional spying programs that were leaked by former government contractor Booz Allen employee Edward Snowden is likely being asked to fall upon his sword . It could be that Barry and the boys are just doing the requisite damage control by dumping Alexander or rather there are going to be much worse revelations coming soon as former Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald recently alluded to.

Dumping General Spock after all of the already substantial revelations of gross misconduct really doesn’t amount to much damage control, as former Nixon aide H.R. Haldeman once remarked “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube” but considering the bumbling incompetence of the Obama administration on this entire fiasco being too late with too little would be par for the course. I would personally suspect that Alexander is getting the hell out of Dodge before the posse arrives with the really serious stuff about what the NSA is really involved in. I am talking about extrajudicial killing, running interference for Wall Street banks (laundering drug money?), industrial espionage and Christ only knows what else. The story is already out about the foreign assassinations, particularly Obama’s beloved toy drone fleet and one gets the feeling that the other shoe is about to drop.

Greenwald who just revealed that he was leaving The Guardian for a unique opportunity described as a new media venture funded by billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. It was divulged previously that  he would be teaming up with fellow investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill (Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army and Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield) and that they would be working on a story about the assassination business. Scahill’s latest book takes a good look at JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command), the elite unit formerly run by General Stanley McChrystal and possibly involved with former Vice President Dick Cheney’s death squads. Just imagine if there was actually proof that NSA surveillance combined with black ops hit teams were operating domestically and conducting targeted killings against Americans right here on our own soil. There is a long list of highly suspicious deaths of those who ran afoul of the establishment, most recently journalist Michael Hastings whose demise in a fiery car explosion does not pass the smell test.

In addition to their upcoming collaboration on assassinations and the NSA, Scahill and journalist Laura Poitras have been revealed that they would be joining Greenwald in the new gig. Things were getting pretty hot for the Guardian with the British government behaving like Norsefire party goons out of V For Vendetta. There is the already notorious supervised destruction of hard drives and computers in the Guardian’s basement as well as the Gestapo style detaining and harassment of Greenwald’s partner David Miranda, a Brazilian citizen under UK anti-terrorism laws. Much like her in Der Homeland our authoritarian allies across the pond have a serious hard-on for journalism and a free press. With British official Jack Straw recently coming out against the Guardian as well as the leading redcoat war criminal David Cameron denouncing the Snowden leaks as damaging national security  it is likely only a matter of time until a joint U.S.-U.K. operation targets the paper with extreme prejudice. Hopefully whatever Greenwald and his new associates have in mind it will blow the entire fascist hijacking of this country by General Alexander’s rogue agency out of the water and result he and all of his criminal accomplices (especially elected government officials who have betrayed their oaths of office) hauled before the courts and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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