Sunday, September 1, 2013

Windsurfing Towards Armageddon

John Kerry was anywhere and everywhere as he windsurfed towards Armageddon across the telecreens today. El Presidente Barack H. Obama’s top salesman for the upcoming kickoff of WW III appeared on several of the noxious weekly Sabbath gabfests hustling the administration line that – GASP – sarin gas was used on Syrian civilians last week. With faux moral outrage practically oozing out of his pampered elitist pores, the Secretary of Skull and Bones pimped this toxic bit of disinformation, spinning it for maximum effect. What Kerry didn’t bother with is that while the use of chemical weapons in Syria has really not been disputed at all it is still unknown as to exactly WHO used them. But such nuances are lost on the masses of asses who from early indications are swallowing Barry’s trickery hook, line and sinker.  The Sunday morning saturation bombing will dutifully be picked up by the state-corporate media echo chamber and the public mind will again be prepped for another outrageous and ruinous war of choice, this one certain to set off an uncontrollable chain reaction. The minute that the first wave of bombs and missiles hit oil prices will be sent soaring into the stratosphere. By the time that they hit escape velocity it will be far too late for the doomed ordinary schmucks who will experience the double-barreled economic shock of gas and food hyperinflation like a cattle prod to the testicles.
Kerry’s revelations are only meant to sway the sheeple into accepting the coming slaughter but they are really nothing than a straw man. The rogue leadership of the U.S. can waive their bloody flag and bray bogus patriotic blather until they are hoarse from their shouting but this is really not about concern for the poor gassed Syrians. Where was the threat of military force during the last two years when 100,000 Syrians were killed, often in a savage an brutal manner?  The White House has now also resorted to the disgusting and exploitative use of the “protect Israel” angle to enlist more public support for the coming military and economic debacle.  While Israel is a key U.S. ally, a virtual garrison of western power parked smack dab in the middle of a hostile territory of fanatical and irrational religion is it not it time to just start putting America first for a change? And by that I mean our own country and our civil liberties and economy, not big oil and gas and military industrial complex money making machines whose only loyalty is to filling their coffers with the profits that they extract from the infliction of human misery. Now there is a moral obscenity that Mr. Kerry can’t be troubled with.
The bizarre down the rabbit hole world of eternal war and freedom strangling domestic fascism that opened in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 has to end for this country will not survive otherwise. That rabbit hole is rapidly becoming a grave and unless there is a return to the principles upon which this once great country was founded upon we are destined for history’s scrapheap along with all of the rest of the failed empires.  It was the man touted as the father of this country, George Washington who warned of the perils of foreign entanglements yet today the amoral hucksters, crooks and self-aggrandizing rats who occupy the city that is named after him are hell bent on escalating hostilities in Syria in order to serve the interests of the elite. The elite that they are paid damned well to represent, you will never see the sons and daughters of the banksters at Goldman Sachs sent off to die in this war, that is for the little people.
The entire rotten D.C. Establishment is going to back Barry’s criminal war, there is always bipartisanship when it comes to such things, there are rebels like Justin Amash and Rand Paul but they are marginalized by a corrupt process that allows for a small cabal of lawmakers such as the always hyped Gang of Eight, a Senate within the Senate to ultimately dictate policy absent a true majority. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are already on board with this war and I still continue to hear the silly liberals who back the putrid atrocity that is the Democratic Party as if we actually live in a functional democracy. The real decision makers are all singing in unison in the madhouse choir as the war wagon careens towards the edge of a cliff into the abyss. Kerry may have been the most ubiquitous charlatan on the propaganda circuit but he was far from the only one. The state media has already been amplifying their chants for war more years on their websites and in their newspapers.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, a fascist’s fascist is one of those leading the stampede to another war. A former FBI agent and the loudest of the surveillance state’s defenders Rogers was quoted by the beltway house organ Politico:
“For two years, the Iranian-backed Syrian regime has been free to engage in the slaughter of its own people with little but rhetorical responses from the United States. Now that the regime has crossed our red line regarding the use of chemical weapons, we must carefully consider whether the credibility of the United States necessitates military action to enforce that position,” Rogers said in a statement on Saturday. “We must also consider what message a failure to act would send to other adversaries and our allies around the world. And finally, we must debate whether a decision by Congress denying the President authority to respond with military force would fulfill U.S. national security interests.”
TRANSLATION: “fulfill U.S. national security interests” means instantly and forever shutting down any more inquiries into the massive, unconstitutional NSA Stasi and the swine in Congress, such as Mr. Rogers who have willingly enabled this cancer on a free society to metastasize.  Wagging the dog is the order of the day as the star spangled bunting is draped over what may ultimately be this nation’s last illicit foreign war, simply because it has the potential to turn into the planet destroying final conflict that will bust humanity back to the Stone Age. Thanks to treacherous snakes like Rogers, Kerry, Feinstein, McCain, Graham, Pelosi, Cheney, Bush and Obama just to name a few we really are not much different than our primal ancestors. Early humans gathered together into mobs and raiding parties to bash in the skulls of others with crude weaponry constructed with animal bones and rocks to steal their food and rape their women. Their methods were more savage but the need for violence and plunder is a thing that has never been completely purged from the gene pool as civilizations evolved.  It is due to the unquenchable and shameless thirst for power, money, influence and the eternal glory of having one’s name stamped into history as a winner of a great war that we have not been able to evolve as a society into a far more peaceful, decent and humble nation – one that minds our own business and actually occupies the moral high ground.
Despite the propagandizing, the pontificating and spewing of jingoist clichés and platitudes smothered in hypocrisy the Congressional seal of approval on WW III is all just a big lie anyway. It is non-binding so Barry and the boys are going to bomb the shit out of Syria anyway. This is all just political theater too allow for the scum and scoundrels who have hijacked this country to cover their asses and hide behind the tattered remnants of the Constitution when it turns into an irreversible global catastrophe. The hated Glenn Greenwald nails it in his latest column for The Guardian:
It’s a potent sign of how low the American political bar is set that gratitude is expressed because a US president says he will ask Congress to vote before he starts bombing another country that is not attacking or threatening the US. That the US will not become involved in foreign wars of choice without the consent of the American people through their representatives Congress is a central mandate of the US Constitution, not some enlightened, progressive innovation of the 21st century. George Bush, of course, sought Congressional approval for the war in Iraq (though he did so only once it was clear that Congress would grant it: I vividly remember watching then-Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Joe Biden practically begging the Bush White House to “allow” Congress to vote on the attack while promising in advance that they would approve for it).
But what makes the celebratory reaction to yesterday’s announcement particularly odd is that the Congressional vote which Obama said he would seek appears, in his mind, to have no binding force at all. There is no reason to believe that a Congressional rejection of the war’s authorization would constrain Obama in any way, other than perhaps politically. To the contrary, there is substantial evidence for the proposition that the White House sees the vote as purely advisory, i.e., meaningless.
Recall how – in one of most overlooked bad acts of the Obama administration – the House of Representatives actually voted, overwhelmingly, against authorizing the US war in Libya, and yet Obama simply ignored the vote and proceeded to prosecute the war anyway (just as Clinton did when the House rejected the authorization he wanted to bomb Kosovo, though, at least there, Congress later voted to allocate funds for the bombing campaign). Why would the White House view the President’s power to wage war in Libya as unconstrainable by Congress, yet view his power to wage war in Syria as dependent upon Congressional authorization?
Let’s face it, nothing is going to stop this from happening. The added time between Barry’s Rose Garden exercise in the bullshit dispersal on Saturday and the coming congressional ‘debate’ and subsequent vote only gives those with the most to gain from this war more time to manufacture additional outrage. Perhaps another sarin gas attack or two is in the offing. There is nothing quite like the exploitation of dead children that tugs on the heartstrings of gullible Americans who too easily offer up a meek consent of the governed along with the willingness to entrust their cynical leaders to undertake state atrocities in their name. They would have made good Germans..

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