Monday, July 14, 2014

The Neocon vs. Rand Paul Pissing Contest Rages On

Senator Rand Paul has taken withering fire from the cheerleaders for American interventionism and global conquest at gunpoint for he is a very serious threat to the warfare and surveillance state as it currently exists and if he is not halted before the 2016 presidential campaign the idea that we do not have to be a nation crushed by the yoke of perpetual war may take hold. Paul represents the increasingly influential emerging libertarian wing of the Republican party and with growing popularity with the younger demographic - the youth that Obama shit on after mobilizing them in 2008 with his siren song of false hope and chump change - he has the potential to for the first time in decades provide a serious alternative to the corrupt sucklers of Empire.
Fresh off of being smacked down with a blistering and ridiculous editorial in the Washington Post by the ever more bizarre Texas Governor Rick Perry who in the hilarious words of's Justin Raimondo is "dumber than a steer who’s been zapped by a cattle-prod and still won’t move" and in the opinion of some (myself included), is a man of such enormous idiocy and grotesque buffoonery that he actually makes George W. Bush look like Albert Einstein - Paul punched back. The Senator from Kentucky's rebuttal was featured in the gospel of the beltway Politico in a piece entitled "Rick Perry is Dead Wrong":
There are many things I like about Texas Gov. Rick Perry, including his stance on the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution. But apparently his new glasses haven’t altered his perception of the world, or allowed him to see it any more clearly.
There are obviously many important events going on in the world right now, but with 60,000 foreign children streaming across the Texas border, I am surprised Governor Perry has apparently still found time to mischaracterize and attack my foreign policy.
Governor Perry writes a fictionalized account of my foreign policy so mischaracterizing my views that I wonder if he’s even really read any of my policy papers.
In fact, some of Perry’s solutions for the current chaos in Iraq aren’t much different from what I’ve proposed, something he fails to mention. His solutions also aren’t much different from President Barack Obama’s, something he also fails to mention. Because interestingly enough, there aren’t that many good choices right now in dealing with this situation in Iraq.
Perry says there are no good options. I’ve said the same thing. President Obama has said the same thing. So what are Perry’s solutions and why does he think they are so bold and different from anyone else’s?
I ask Governor Perry: How many Americans should send their sons or daughters to die for a foreign country — a nation the Iraqis won’t defend for themselves? How many Texan mothers and fathers will Governor Perry ask to send their children to fight in Iraq?
I will not hold my breath for an answer. If refusing to send Americans to die for a country that refuses to defend itself makes one an “isolationist,” then perhaps its time we finally retire that pejorative.
Today, the overwhelming majority of Americans don’t want to send U.S. soldiers back into Iraq. Is Perry calling the entire country “isolationist” too?
And he is absolutely right, Slick Rick Perry has absolutely nothing to offer besides the same bitching that always erupts like a bursting, fully ripened pustule from a party that has nothing new to offer rather than a keening cacophony of bleating every time that Obama - who they hate - so much as scratches his ass. While it will not likely please the movers and shakers within the GOP the knee-jerk opposition of everything Obama is not a substitute for a winning formula which they should understand by now after getting thumped by the black dude in two presidential elections despite his gross incompetence. This is a party that is in need of new ideas rather than the same alarmist and race-baiting bullshit that plays well to the borderline cadavers whose daily sustenance of outrage is provided by FOX News which plays them like a pack of stupid fucking donkeys. Perry's new glasses are a nice touch too but Barry Goldwater voters are dropping like flies with each passing election cycle and Rand Paul and libertarian ideas will be like sipping from the fountain of youth for a party that clings to a corpse like Reagan rather than just walk through that door into the future and a brave new world.
Perry's anti-Paul diatribe was a gut-wrenching mish-mash of warmed over neocon talking points, bogus historical references and more references to the hallowed Ronald Reagan than you can shake that cattle-prod at - it was one of the most over the top, thoroughly asinine pieces of tripe that the WAPO has published recently and that says one hell of a lot considering the lower than whaleshit level of the competition. While Senator Paul is not the man that his father is and has a tendency to go along to get along he still towers above the recycled garbage like Rick Perry, Jeb Bush and Scott Walker and blows away the sleazy political opportunists like Florida's Marco "Little Ricky" Rubio and that loudmouthed fat piece of crap up in New Jersey Chris Christie with his continued  insincere sucking up to casino magnate Sheldon Adelson the Daddy Warbucks of the neocon world domination project.
That most bitter of truths to the neocons is that an increasing amount of Americans are sick to death of their globe-trotting escapades of murder, torture and stealing of resources after the murders of women and children. The Democrats offer no viable alternative either as evident by the meddlesome adventures of the drone ranger Obama, the full-blown fanatical State Department and Cass Sunstein's wife over at the UN Samantha Power and their piling up of dead bodies based on the horseshit of humanitarian interventionism.
The 2016 election is a critical time in our nation's history for it offers what may be the last chance to banish the neocons - particularly since Hillary Clinton, a bloodthirsty bitch who puts Margaret Thatcher to shame would be a hero to the neocons and why not hedge their bets with a zany and pliable doofus like Rick Perry? Anything to keep Rand Paul and libertarian ideas out of the national conversation next year. The neocons understand this and that is why they are going right for Paul's throat, the Washington Post continues to churn out agitprop like today's offering from the high priestess of neocon bullshit Jennifer Rubin with the very creative title of "Rand Paul Isolated on Foreign Policy" from which I excerpt:
The extent of Rand Paul’s extremism is slowly coming to light. American Enterprise Institute’s David Adesnik has analyzed Paul’s recommended summer reading list. “The foreign policy section of the list consists entirely of works that blame the United States for the rise of Islamic extremism while offering solutions that verge on isolationism. Most of the books also express a sharp hostility toward Israel and toward those who believe that U.S. foreign policy should serve the cause of human freedom.”
Specifically, he includes Pat Buchanan’s anti-Semitic tract: “If Ron Paul’s message isn’t clear enough, the curious student may turn to another book on the list, Pat Buchanan’s critique of George W. Bush’s foreign policy, Where the Right Went Wrong. ‘America’s huge footprint on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia led straight to 9/11. The terrorists were over here because we were over there. Terrorism is the price of empire.’ . . . Buchanan explains that ‘the Beltway Likud was plotting and propagandizing for war on Iraq long before 9/11.’ The distinctive trait of this clique is that it sees ‘U.S. and Israeli interests as identical.’ ” Unfortunately it’s becoming clear that Paul’s views are virtually identical to his father’s (who has three books on his son’s list). Suffice it to say, there is no elected Republican in Congress who would embrace these ideas.
If that is the best that Rubin and the neocons are able to come up with, selectively picking through Rand Paul's reading list and crying "ANTI-SEMITE" then they are more desperate than ever. That particular pejorative was at one time the ultimate trump card when it came to squashing criticism of the Middle East conflicts in which Israel always benefited from at the cost of American blood and treasure but it has lost it's potency through overuse. Pity poor Rubin and her handlers whose primary accomplishment has been to diminish "anti-Semitism" to the point that it has lost any sort of effectiveness when it comes to real anti-Semites. But that is what happens when such a filthy abuse of the historically heinous persecution of Jews - a very real problem - is turned into no more than a cheap political tactic. We all know the fairy tale of the boy who cried wolf and by continually playing that very card scum like Rubin only harm those who are the real victims.
It is time for the neocons to give up the ghost and just go quietly into the dustbin of history before their deranged, remarkably Naziesque ideology destroys the planet. It is far past time to confiscate the keys to the war machine from these highly influential lunatics. 
(Image: Getty Images)

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