Like the cockroach the American neoconservative ideologue is the ultimate survivor. Despite having been what appeared to be thoroughly routed and exposed as dangerous cranks and crazies in charge of big things for their disastrous Iraq fiasco – the likes of Perle, Feith, Libby, Wolfowitz and other luminaries were sent backing after the first Bush term – they are now resurgent and ready to seize power to complete the work of the Project For the New American Century (PNAC). Having retrenched and now integrated into the US power structure, in particular at the State Department, embedded within the op ed sections and news operations as some of the nation’s most dominant mainstream news organs, in particular the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post and ready to regain control of the political levers of power. The 2014 mid-term elections are already in the bag thanks to that Supreme Court ruling that amplifies the damage already done by the Citizen's United travesty for the complete selling out of what was once a vibrant democracy to the highest bidder. One of those happens to be the loathsome aging neocon casino magnate Sheldon Adelson an avowed ultra Zionist and a critical friend and ally to the deranged Israeli leader Bibi Netanyahu, both of whom have one purpose in life which is having the United States do their dirty work by bombing Iran back to the stone age.
But the road to Tehran goes through Ukraine and when it comes to hatred, outside of Palestinians, Muslims and Persians the one thing that really gets up the bloodlust of the neocons is a loathing of all things Russian. So while the Middle East peace process once again goes up in flames thanks to right-wing Israeli recalcitrance that also spills over into the long planned sabotage of the Iran P5+1 nuclear talks they can keep the thin skinned narcissist Obama on the attack over that summer of slights delivered to dear leader by the hated and demonized Putin. First there was the Russian saving of Snowden from being sent to a US affiliated torture chamber followed by the snatching of the war on Syria that was based on false information over the Ghouta gassings out of the jaws of the neocon warmongers. Then came the ultimate indignity of being fed a giant platter of their own American exceptionalist shit right after Obama's address to the nation making the case for for war on Syria on the basis of those lies about sarin gas and on the anniversary of September 11, 2001 by Putin in that New York Times editorial where the savvy former KGB man just fucking drilled it.
In the column the Russian leader dared to invoke the forbidden history that during World War II that his country was an ally of the U.S. and Britain and helped to defeat the Nazis. It is arguable that Russian fighting against the Germans at Stalingrad, one of the bloodiest battles in the history of mankind turned the tide and allowed for the allies to win the war. The Russians chewed up the Nazis in that brutal winter mosh pit of misery that caused the lunatic Adolf Hitler to arrogantly lose a good chunk of his military power while delivering a crushing blow to German resolve. The extreme violence and devastation on the Eastern front were critical in allowing the Americans to successfully invade Europe and then roll over the Nazis as they roared towards Berlin. The Russians don’t get enough credit here while the sainted Sir Winston gets too much of it but such is standard western hypocrisy that we are constantly fed. Especially though when one of those hypocrisies was throwing in with the despotic Joseph Stalin who was right up there with Hitler when it comes to crimes against humanity but he was our kind of bastard at just the right time. The leadership of this country has quite an impressive track record when it comes to supporting ruthless scum who torture and murder their own people so that western business interests can open new markets and plunder resources.
But I digress…
The reminder that Russia and Uncle Sam were on the same side in the “good war” upon which such a hallowed status has been bestowed so as to justify all other wars may have been a nicely delivered and well-deserved body blow but what came next sent the neocons into orbit. Putin delivered a nice running dropkick in the nuts to Obama and his warmongering cohorts in correctly pointing out that “millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under “you’re either with us or against us.” Vladimir had that just a tad wrong though because there are millions right here in The Homeland who feel exactly the same way. With the stumblebum Obama then on the ropes Putin delivered the knockout punch in calling out appeals to that most destructive of concepts that is American exceptionalism:
“it is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”
The neocon swine and the outmatched Obama-Kerry foreign policy team immediately began squealing and embarked upon a dastardly propaganda campaign that would vilify Putin, his prized Sochi Winter Olympic games and then while those very games were taking place use the distraction to launch their dirty little coup in Ukraine with the assistance of Neo-Nazis. Americans bought it hook line and sinker too as the propaganda was hammered home – Putin was attacked for his admittedly abysmal treatment of gays but there was no context in that right here in Obama’s land of hope and change that there are a number of US states whose repressive policies towards gay rights are every bit as despicable as anything in Russia, not to mention our allies that are the pigs who run that debauched sty that is the House of Saud. There were the ongoing trumped up terror threats to cast a pallor of fear over Sochi, the Black Widows, exploding toothpaste tubes and sordid tales of unsanitary conditions. It worked too, just like it always does here in Chumpland. Now the neocons are ginning up the situation in Ukraine with zero thought of the fallout which could be catastrophic on a planetary scale. But you know the way it is with ideologues, whether they be named Lenin, Pol Pot, Mao, Cheney, Hitler or Bill Kristol – they always have the answers.
If Americans and to a larger degree America itself are to survive this cannot be allowed to happen and it still can be stopped although the window of opportunity is rapidly closing. The primary problem of many is the cascading series of unintended consequences as a result of the US backed coup d’etat in Ukraine where neocon warmonger John McCain’s Neo-Nazi chums and Nuland’s pal “Yats” continues to morph into a massive global catastrophe by the minute and it is now to borrow the term from one of those centralized state-corporate media talking point factories “picking up steam”. The uprising in many East Ukraine cities by anti-austerity or as the media refers to them “pro-Russian separatists” continues and it is about to get very bloody. None other than reigning neocon installed puppet Arseny “Yats” Yatseniuk paid a visit to the eastern city of Donetsk on Friday in what was a dog and pony show. "Yats" reportedly did not meet with any of the actual protest leaders. It sure wasn’t like Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland passing out cookies to pro-austerity, neo-Nazi infested rabble in the Euromaidan and looks suspiciously like nothing more than a public relations ploy before the shock troops (reportedly including corporate mercenaries) are sent in which could happen as early as today. There is breaking news that armed gunmen are seizing buildings (no word on whether they are mercs or other provocateurs) and the police chief of the city of Donetsk has reportedly resigned, the carnage is about to begin and there is no telling of how it will end. Recall the World War I erupted out of small events to cut a grisly swath across Europe, the Middle East and Eurasia.
In anticipation of the coming bloodshed the occupying Ukrainian coup government has now told Russia and the hated Putin where to stick it regarding their gas bill which will send cheers throughout the ranks of the neocon fifth column here in The Homeland and it conveniently comes just in time for the Sunday morning media masturbatory festival of talking heads and spokespeople for the warfare state. There is again the all too familiar sack of hypocritical bullshit wrapped in a red, white and blue hypocrisy on this in that here in America, where the caterwauling about the next neocon war of aggression is only drowned out by that sanctimonious cry of personal responsibility in that the triumphalism over the occupiers in Kiev telling Putin to go and fuck himself over paying their bills. Hell, if any of the poor working people here in the US of A chose to take the same approach to our gas and electric suppliers we would be rapidly cut off. That isn’t the way that it works with the chiseling deadbeats and parasites in the Ukraine though, they will immediately be bailed out by IMF bribery money as well as the US taxpayer who is increasingly being beggared to fuel the neocon wars of aggression as well as to prop up a corrupt and decaying system.
With the violence about to begin and Russian rightly refusing to back down against an obvious hostile takeover in Ukraine - what would Obama do were such a thing to occur in Mexico or Canada - we are about to reap the whirlwind for the Hitlerian neocon fever dreams of world domination.
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