Monday, April 7, 2014

Anti-Austerity Pushback Begins in Ukraine

The frantic Cold War obsessed, neocon infested US state-corporate media are blowing their mighty klaxons today as there is more festering unrest in Ukraine. Not that such a thing should be unexpected given the US-EU-NATO Axis of Evil hostile, neo-Nazi backed takeover that ousted the democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych only to replace him with a western puppet charged with looting the country. With the reported seizure of government buildings in the city of Donetsk and demands for secession from the illegally installed austerity government the western media is in the typical manner labeling the protesters as "pro-Russian" and "pro-Putin" rather than what they really are which is "anti-fascist" and "anti-austerity" which will further fan the flames of what may be - thanks to our failed political system in Der Heimat - an express train careening towards Armageddon.
What areat job by President Barack Obama in that his splendid little coup d'eat joint venture with the neocons whose insane, Hitlerian ideology of world domination has become fully cancerous and is metastasizing throughout every branch of the government is exceeding any reasonable expectations of disaster. What started as a contest in dick measuring in which El Presidente continued to come out on the losing end to the now fully vilified and demonized to elicit bloodlust from the masses of asses "Ras-Putin" the entire country of Ukraine is just about ready to erupt in a full blown civil war. The anti-austerity backlash by those who could truly be tabbed as "freedom fighters" and who will have to operate underground ala the resistance in Nazi occupied Europe during the "Good War" is the real thing when it comes to ousting a tyrannical and corrupt regime such as the one that the EU, US and NATO have installed in Kiev. The breadbasket of Europe is about to turn into abbatoir and the fault all lies within the bowels of the American Deep State and the even murkier shadow government as manifested within the Continuity of Government (COG) infrastructure has which never abandoned the use of Communism as some form of Manichean devil to serve as the justification for repression at home and militarism and subterfuge abroad.
The pencil necked technocratic geek Arseny “Yats” Yatseniuk - in between dishonest tirades about Russian invasions - seems to be scared shitless right about now and justifiably so. Before long the angry mobs in the streets will be outside his own window and looking to dangle his skinny little chicken-legged ass from the end of a rope for his selling out of his country to the global corporate parasites who are currently busy bemoaning the loss of billions of loot that could have been milked from Crimea had the people there not had the good sense to vote to rejoin Russia. Tuesday the crackdown against the freedom fighters began with the occupying government sending forth heavily armed paramilitary goon squad police to engage in an "anti-terrorist" action to oust protesters in Eastern Ukraine. It is the typical double-standard and hypocrisy of the US establishment and their European stooges to refer to what is a legitimate uprising against forced austerity and economic ruination and political persecution at the hands of their neo-Nazi backed usurpers in Kiev. Neither "Yats" or the loathsome and corrupt moral reprobate Interior Minister Arsen Avakov will bother with the inconvenient truth that the real "terrorists" were the ones in the streets of Kiev, throwing petrol bombs at police, engaging in organized thuggery and shooting innocent people - both protesters and police.
How this all plays out has yet to be seen but all indications from a Cold War fixated US establishment that is bereft of adult leadership as well as Obama's ongoing apparent insistence on making this a personal thing with Putin it's not looking good at all. Former Reagan administration Deputy Assistant Treasurer and prolific writer who has been writing on the ultimate decline of what used to be a free, mostly fair and decent society into the abyss Paul Craig Roberts nails it in his most recent column entitled "Obama Issues Threats To Russia And NATO" from which I excerpt:
It has dawned on the Russian government that being a part of the American dollar system means that Russia is open to being looted by Western banks and corporations or by individuals financed by them, that the ruble is vulnerable to being driven down by speculators in the foreign exchange market and by capital outflows, and that dependence on the American international payments system exposes Russia to arbitrary sanctions imposed by the “exceptional and indispensable country.”
Why it took the Russian government so long to realize that the dollar payments system puts countries under Washington’s thumb is puzzling. Perhaps the answer is the success of US Cold War propaganda. Cold war propaganda portrayed America as the shining light, the great observer of human rights, opponent of torture, upholder of liberty, defender of the downtrodden, lover of peace, and benefactor of the world. This image survived even as the US government prevented the rise of any representative governments in Latin America and while Washington has bombed half a dozen countries into rubble.
Russians emerging from communism naturally aligned with the propaganda image of “American freedom.” That the US and Europe were also corrupt and also had blood on their hands was overlooked. During the years of anti-Soviet propaganda, Washington was murdering European women and children and blaming communists. The truth came out when President of Italy Francesco Cossiga publicly revealed Operation Gladio, a false flag terrorist scheme run by the CIA and Italian Intelligence during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s that targeted European women and children with bombs in order to blame the communists and thereby prevent European communist parties from making electoral gains. This is one of the most well-known false flag events in history, having resulted in extraordinary confessions by Italian intelligence.
Now that the Russian government understands that Russia must depart the dollar system in order to protect Russian sovereignty, President Putin has entered into barter/ruble oil deals with China and Iran. However, Washington objects to Russia abandoning the dollar international payment system. Zero Hedge, a more reliable news source than the US print and TV media, reports that Washington has conveyed to both Russia and Iran that a non-dollar oil deal would trigger US sanctions.
The only recourse that the rest of the world has against the dangerous Leviathan in Washington and it's current Sun King ensconced within the control center of Mordor at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is to turn to economics, a game that the now thoroughly corrupt system of US looter capitalism - we cheat everyone, especially the TV mesmerized zombies on the star-spangled lemming farm - cannot win. So it is coming to a head. There has already been chatter that Russia will soon retaliate for those sanctions - the most effective to this point being a handful of McDonalds fast food restaurants abandoning Crimea - by effectively dumping the petrodollar in a trade deal with Iran. This would put the US political class and the neocons - permanently in bed with the government of the insane Israeli leader Bibi Netanyahu - in the optimal situation to engage in a climactic Godfather style wipeout of the enemies of the Corleone (or is it Lansky?) family that would instead be more like the last suicidal charge of a pack of over the hill outlaws at the end of The Wild Bunch as the Empire goes out on it's own terms.
Barring a move to impeach Obama immediately and get him the hell out of anywhere that his narcissistic streak that has driven him to pick a fight with a nuclear armed Russia where he has the ultimate trump card of the launch codes then we are truly living in a revisionist Cold War hell that is the modern incarnation of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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