Monday, October 7, 2013

Obama's Pathetic Team America Style Commando Raids

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

-H.L. Mencken

When things appear at their most dire never fear, the essential elements of the government – our blessed military and special operations hit squads will deliver the bacon for the establishment. With the economy being driven closer to implosion thanks to the latest ‘my dick is bigger than your dick’  jousting between Barry and Boehner ordering up the military apprehension of a couple of "terrorists” in two daring raids is a certified crowd pleasing news grabber.  Omitted from any of the triumphant tales of U.S. intelligence and special ops prowess in landing two of Al-Qaeda’s big fish is the inconvenient truth that this country is currently funneling money and support to their cohorts in Syria.  That would of course spoil the narrative of Team Obama World Police and the apprehension and rendition of two of those bad ass bogeymen over the weekend in Libya and Somalia one of the kidnapped is allegedly the mastermind of embassy attacks in Africa fifteen years ago. I mean come on now, with the world's preeminent spying and killing machine if the guy was such a dangerous and critical target wouldn't he have been taken out years ago? Especially given Barry's itchy trigger finger. This is just another distraction from an administration that has taken phoniness and stagecraft to another level entirely after they allegedly popped bin Laden. It is all just like a movie now and just perfect for a TV addicted populace filled with schmucks, suckers and other gullible types. Wake up people, the national security state has hundreds of these guys constantly under the watchful eye and ready to haul in to much hoopla whenever the need arises.

In a reported third raid by U.S. forces, the vaunted Seal Team Six was chased out of Barawe, Somalia with their tails between their legs when their mission to rendition a reported al-Shabab "terrorist" allegedly associated with the recent Westgate Mall carnage blew up - seems like the "skinnies" can shoot back on occasion.  The timing of this bit of daredevilry of which Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry boasted that "they can run but they can't hide" which pretty much applies to everyone on the Obama regime's planetary surveillance grid.  It was as ridiculous as the Bush era color-coded charts and whenever some dumb ass miscreants who fell for government entrapment schemes and then were arrested and paraded out in front of the state media as proof that their unconstitutional and trillion dollar black budget programs were actually working. Justin Raimondo at nails it again on this one in his piece Libya and Somalia: Foreign Policy as Political Theater from which I excerpt:

The US government may be in "shutdown" mode, but the American Empire is still operating at maximum capacity: this was underscored over the weekend by twin raids in North Africa, one that ended in the capture a high-profile Al Qaeda leader in Libya – wanted for the 1998 attacks on American embassies in East Africa – and the other failing to nab Ahmed Abdi Godane, a.k.a. Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, purported leader of the shadowy Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda’s Somalian affiliate.

These raids are being touted by the President’s partisans as a great double-headed victory, a triumph of Obamaism in the foreign policy realm, and a welcome diversion away from the budget standoff. As usual, these cheerleaders of the Royal Court not only exaggerate but also invert the real significance of the events. For the reality is that both "victories" in our endless war on terrorism underscore the abject failure of America’s foreign policy of global intervention, and specifically the more subtle variety espoused by the present occupant of the White House.

Exactly. There is always money for war and other foreign shenanigans and it has bipartisan support, I have yet to hear one member of this most rotten of congresses line up to salute this as the complete farce and waste of taxpayer money that it is. The raids are drawing condemnation as well as questions of legality in the affected countries. In the story an anonymous diplomatic source is quoted - "This is knee-jerk stuff and smacks of a massive failure of intelligence. Are extrajudicial killings and covert kidnapping raids the best way of dealing with the problem? Why is the international response so feeble?"  The answer of course is that in 2013 kidnapping, extrajudicial killings and of course torture have become emblematic as symbols of America rendering quaint and obsolete those silly concepts of justice, judiciousness and fairness.  Hell, if you aren't down with it you yourself might just be a "terrorist" who just may end up on Barry's  kill list, that one that he reviews over a bowl of Captain Crunch and a glass of orange juice each morning and future date with either a hellfire missile or the American Gestapo.


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