Friday, September 27, 2013

Warmongers Continue to Cast Lustful Eyes on Syria

Despite the agreement on the U.N. Security Council resolution "legally obligating" the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to surrender all chemical weapons stocks, it being nothing more than window dressing and diplomatic cover as the attacks are creeping closer. While the world body produced the hyped report that sarin gas was indeed used on civilians at Ghouta it did nothing to produce the smoking gun so desperately desired by Obama, Kerry and the war machine.  While it is reported that the resolution does not include the threat of specific military action make no mistake that Barry’s speech before the General Assembly, which easily could have been written by William Kristol or any number of other on call neocon propagandist over at the American Enterprise Institute was a virtual promise that it will only be a matter of time until the bombs, missiles and drone strikes are dialed up. This was just emphasized by Obama himself as he confirmed the military option while expressing skepticism that the Syrian government would follow through on it’s “commitments”. In a nice little bit of serendipity today the U.N. has also disclosed that the inspectors would also be investigating more chemical weapons attacks, you can be certain that these will soon be used as a new justification for the attacks. Barry laid the groundwork well in his aforementioned speech - "The Syrian government took a first step by giving an accounting of its stockpiles.  Now there must be a strong Security Council resolution to verify that the Assad regime is keeping its commitments, and there must be consequences if they fail to do so.  If we cannot agree even on this, then it will show that the United Nations is incapable of enforcing the most basic of international laws." . Yes there will be consequences aplenty especially once the blame is affixed for those new chemical weapons attacks that just materialized.

While waiting for the event that will lock down the strikes, the U.S. leadership is still going forward with plans to arm the rebels, now in the process of becoming even more radicalized by an influx of die hard, murderous Islamic extremists on a mission from Allah. Obama recently waived the ban on the arming of terrorist groups to allow for the arming of the Syrian rebels and further destabilizing the country. While there is much official blather about the many different factions there should be no illusions that this government, which is competent only in the ability to ensure that the most violent of foreign insurgents are getting the taxpayer dough in their typical short-sighted manner is not going to create another blowback type situation such as when the brilliant idea to arm Osama bin Laden and the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan against the Russians won't eventually turn into another catastrophe like September 11.2001 . These are really nice people these rebels, when they aren't (allegedly) gassing women and children and blaming it on Assad's forces they are engaging in barbaric acts of cannibalismransacking Christian churches and desecrating Jewish burial grounds. This latest bit of idiocy is going to assuredly one day come back to bite this country in the ass as so many of these things do, they are still trying to mitigate the damage of the CIA backed 1953 overthrow of Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadeq.

In a somewhat interesting development related to the administration and it’s foreign allies trying to downplay rebel involvement in the Ghouta gas attacks have scored a hit on one of the sources casting alleged aspersions upon our Al-Qaeda backed chums potentially being responsible ror the atrocity.  The freelancer whose work is frequently published by AP, a woman named Dale Gavlak was credited for contributing to a story on the fledgling alternative media site Mint Press News that got some legs for a brief period when the war drums were at their most deafening. The story attributed the attack to rebels and on the ground sources who contributed accounts to the the piece in question had alleged Saudi involvement, perhaps even that none other than Bandar Bush himself was involved.

I am sure that the pressure was enormous and that Gavlak was provided with the proverbial  offer she just couldn’t refuse to distance herself from the piece. While Gavlak’s MPN story didn’t garner much corporate-state media attention when Barry and Kerry were making their case for bombing the bejesus out of Damascus it managed to garner some attention, primarily in a McClatchy story and a New York TImes affiliated blog hit piece over the weekend. The lackey packed establishment media generally shits all over anything even remotely related to alternative news sites (unless  of course it is some useful tripe that serves state interests and is floated on the Drudge Report) so the story debunking Gavlak’s Mint Press News piece is a bit suspect. There have been reports of intimidation and career threats and per the aforementioned hit piece - “Ms. Gavlak told The Lede that she has been suspended by The A.P. as a result of the article.” I suppose that it is always better to back off a hot story rather to end up perishing due to some sort of mysterious flaming vehicle ‘accident’ ala Michael Hastings so who can blame her?

While I can’t and won’t personally vouch for the credibility of the Mint Press News story or website itself, I did link to and reference the piece a few weeks ago I can state that to me it carries at least the same amount of credibility of the Obama administration’s ongoing Assad blame game. That may set the bar pretty low but  in the fog of bullshit that was the Obama-Kerry led blind sprinting into another idiotic war and dragging the rest of us who have zero say in matters along like we were their lapdogs it was imperative that other stories be told.  Were this not the case there would be far more than the Ghouta victims already dead by the “collateral damage” inflicted by U.S. military strikes.  It may be inconsequential to the majority of the lemmings in the United States of Dancing With the Stars but at some point there needs to be a case, and a legitimate one made for these Middle East actions outside of the lies of the warmongers. I did see that issued a retraction and apology for featuring the piece and I have found  the stuff that they put out over there to be pretty solid on a consistent basis over the years. Given how hot the accusations in the MPN story were and the obvious push back by the establishment against Gavlak  it was probably a good business move on their part. Best to just get the live grenade out of the bunker and move onward with the reportage and editorializing that they do best.

As for the alleged involvement of the Saudis and Prince Bandar bin Sultan (Bandar Bush) is there really any question that they engage in deception, game-playing and double-dealing? This just happens to be the very land where fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers hailed from and the to this day yet to be satisfactorily explained  evacuation of planeloads of Saudi high-rollers including those with ties to Osama bin Laden by the Bush administration while the national airspace was closed down. The Saudi monarchy is a disgusting, bigoted, corrupt regime of despots, misogynists (when they aren’t chasing whores) and despotic oppressors of human rights yet an ally of the U.S. It is the utmost of hypocrisy to see the likes of Obama and the rest of the poitical elite wagging their fingers at other countries for the abhorrent treatment of women or in the new hot item that appeases the Democratic party base - persecution of gays when at the same time backing pigs like the Saudi royals.

Robert Parry over at Consortium News just published a very nice article entitled Should Cruise Missiles Target Saudis?. Parry is a respectable journalist who along with a other real reporters was run out of the media years ago by hordes of careerists, shills, stenographers, ass-kissers and chirping Kewpie dolls with big tits who could read their teleprompters and deliver that thousand yard stare just perfectly. In the piece he calls out the Saudi frauds for their overt sponsorship of Jihadists, particularly the worst of the worst of the rebels in Syria. I excerpt the following:

Since the only way to stop the bloodletting that has reportedly claimed more than 100,000 lives is to arrange a ceasefire and a political settlement, the calculation of the rebels must change or at least the calculation of their chief sponsors must change. In that light, perhaps a warning is in order to Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan that cruise missiles could be aimed at his offices in Riyadh if Saudi intelligence doesn’t stop arming the most extreme factions fighting in Syria.

Besides supporting the brutal jihadists  in Syria, there’s another inconvenient truth: the history of Saudi Arabia’s support for Islamic terrorism across the region and around the world, a point that Prince Bandar reportedly raised during a tense meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on July 31, in connection with the rebellious Russian province of Chechnya.

According to a diplomatic account of that bilateral confrontation, Bandar sought Russian support for ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad while offering various economic inducements to Russia along with a pledge to protect next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi from terrorist attack.

Putin apparently was offended by Bandar’s blend of bribery and threats, especially his allusion to Saudi longstanding support for Chechen terrorism, a sore point for Russians who have suffered numerous attacks by Chechen terrorists against Russian civilian targets. I’m told Putin also viewed the reference to Sochi as something akin to a Mafia don shaking down a shopkeeper for protection money by saying, “nice little business you got here, I’d hate to see anything happen to it.”

He makes excellent points, a good question would be why weren’t the cruise missiles (or ICBMs for that matter) given the target coordinates to the Saudi royal palace the minute that it was determined that over three quarters of the 9/11 hijackers hailed from The Kingdom? The answer of course being what it always is in this sordid rotting empire in the early stages of terminal collapse and that is MONEY. There is never a shortage of that when it comes to the Saudis, especially a snake like Prince Bandar who during his tenure as ambassador was quite the connoisseur of western decadence as he schmoozed with the upper crust of the very elitists of same Great Satan that the terrorist groups that royal money funded denounced. His Epicurean delights and charming personality endeared him to the wealthy and powerful in the U.S., he threw great parties, had a palatial home in Aspen and hung with celebrities while the leaders of his own country nurtured primitive religious hatred that could and would be directed back at the west as a distraction from their own grossly perverse regime.

So now we wait as the game goes on, it is like playing musical chairs and when the music stops it won't be the asses of the well connected who hit the deck.  It never is and it never will be.

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