Monday, September 30, 2013

Seymour Hersh Rips State Media - Questions bin Laden Assassination

“The republic’s in trouble, we lie about everything, lying has become the staple.”

-Seymour Hersh

It has been awhile but legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has surfaced and he is back with a vengeance. In comments published by The Guardian Hersh rips the corporate-state U.S. media as pathetic and calls them out for their unwillingness to go after Barack H. Obama who he correctly pegs as being worse than Bush. This is a sentiment that I have had for a good while now because at least Bush never pretended that he was anything other than a bully, a warmonger and a festering wart on the ass of America. Obama being the phony that he has always been, a president as product sold by spin doctors, public relations and advertising pros as some kind of transcendant figure to a willfully ignorant and easily distracted public. Hersh blasts El Presidente - “Do you think Obama’s been judged by rational standards? Has Guantanamo closed? Is a war over? Is anyone paying any attention ot Iraq? Is he seriously talking about going into Syria? We are not doing so well in the 80 wars we are in right now, what the hell does he want to go into another one for?”  Though words and predictably he is being eviscerated by the establishment media attack dogs, so savagely that you would think that he had dared to piss upon their precious “exceptionalism” like Putin did.

The American media is a joke in every country on the planet save one being our deteriorating and soon to implode from within star spangled lemming colony. Hersh is one of the last of a dying breed, an investigative journalist who has never hesitated to question the accumulation and abuse of power whether it be the Mai Lai massacre or the ongoing efforts of the Bush-Cheney regime to start another war in Iran. Hersh also rubbed the establishment’s nose in the blood and shit of the Abu Ghraib prison torture parties, a blight upon this country’s image and reputation that will be indelibly affixed as though it were a scarlet letter of shame. After being a burr up the ass of the Bush regime for years he was exiled to the fringes by the corporate-state media after his 2011 Bridge too far speech where he banished to the fringes for speaking of Dick Cheney’s  JSOC assassination squads and the crusader elements within the military, specifically the Knights of Malta.

It’s nice to see him back kicking ass and taking names, calling out the worthless pressitututes as the betrayers of the First Amendment that they truly are. But Hersh is not content to only kick the corporate media around, he is also calling bullshit on Barry’s greatest foreign policy achievement – the killing of Osama bin Laden. The snuffing of the bad assed bogeyman during that Seal Team Six (which greedball Disney sought to copyright before being rebuffed) raid and the prancing around with the bloody scalp was Barry’s crowning foreign policy achievement, never mind the drone strikes when you can reel in the kingfish. But the question always has been was it staged? Hersh blasphemes the sanctified official story as I excerpt from The Guardian piece:

Don’t even get him started on the New York Times which, he says, spends “so much more time carrying water for Obama than I ever thought they would” – or the death of Osama bin Laden. “Nothing’s been done about that story, it’s one big lie, not one word of it is true,” he says of the dramatic US Navy Seals raid in 2011.

Hersh is writing a book about national security and has devoted a chapter to the bin Laden killing. He says a recent report put out by an “independent” Pakistani commission about life in the Abottabad compound in which Bin Laden was holed up would not stand up to scrutiny. “The Pakistanis put out a report, don’t get me going on it. Let’s put it this way, it was done with considerable American input. It’s a bullshit report,” he says hinting of revelations to come in his book.

If the Knights of Malta crusader speech pissed off the pocket media kingmakers this will send them into a frenzy of retribution, smacking their laptop keys as if they were truncheons with which to ruthlessly bludgeon the infidel Hersh for his blasphemy.

Personally I have always found the official story of the daring Zero Dark Thirty commando raid that resulted in the “death” of bin Laden to be more than a bit suspect. Of course the lack of a body is one thing that would elicit skepticism, the ongoing refusal of the Obama administration and their congressional cronies to release the pictures of the alleged dead man are another reason for doubt. I always thought that the man was already dead and dead long ago, it would have taken a near superhuman being to be able to survive hiding out in remote caves from a relentless U.S. military search and destroy mission while dragging around a dialysis machine.  

He was though a useful monster to be dragged out whenever the political leaders and military needed to scare the sheeple into bleating their consent. Hersh again nails it - “But I don’t know if it’s going to mean anything in the long [run] because the polls I see in America – the president can still say to voters ‘al-Qaida, al-Qaida’ and the public will vote two to one for this kind of surveillance, which is so idiotic,”  - he is speaking of the post Edward Snowden knowledge of Obama's NSA Stasi. In the short term there is some minor outrage being uprooted, the latest that General Keith Alexander's trillion dollar voyeurs are accumulating relational data on American citizens from social networking sites. He is right of course, the scrutiny will eventually peter out and the fascist machine will emerge stronger than ever after erecting the necessary barriers to any future truth telling.

But Hersh will be made to pay for his bin Laden comments, he is already being brutalized by the vicious anti-Muslim bigot and shill for Middle East wars David Horowitz, a wretched troll and former hippie who holds court at  Front Page Magazine, a rag that ranks right up there with Der Stürmer when it comes to hate mongering.  You must be doing something right when one of the inspirations for Norwegian mass murder Anders Breivik is calling you out as a "compulsive liar".  He will of course also be flogged by the standard scum that passes for a mainstream media in this lamentable land of lies, greed and violence - bottom feeders will feast as they circle the wagons to protect their pampered lives of privilege as enablers of criminals. 

But back to Osama bin Laden, whether he was actually snuffed by Obama's military operation or died years ago his entire existence served as a lie to protect U.S. imperialist interests. He was after all quite useful for the Mujahadeen while a part of the CIA backed rebels in 1980's Afghanistan.  Maybe the real truth of the bin Laden story is that his former sponsors and associates within the American establishment finally just wanted to write the end to his story, tie up that last loose end because to do anything else would ensure a demise, sucked under in the quicksand bog of the wars without end. There never would have been an exit from the now twelve years running U.S. presence in the same Afghanistan that chewed up the Brits and Soviets.  Were it to have actually occurred the bin Laden execution always conjured up the scene from the classic film Apocalypse Now  where when finally reaching the river's end Captain Willard is delivered to the compound of Colonel Kurtz who had gone rogue and was as a result marked for death by his own country's military leadership in order to terminate his command:

Kurtz: Did they say why, Willard, why they want to terminate my command?
Willard: I was sent on a classified mission, sir.
Kurtz: It's no longer classified, is it? What did they tell you?
Willard: They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.
Kurtz: Are my methods unsound?
Willard: I don't see any method at all, sir.
Kurtz: I expected someone like you. What did you expect? Are you an assassin?
Willard: I'm a soldier.
Kurtz: You're neither. You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.

Osama bin Laden was never going to stand trial, not in this Empire, not with what he knew and his chits were called in accordingly. Whether it was in that Pakistani safe house or years earlier the man simply knew too much and so it goes.

Really, why should anyone believe one damned thing that comes out of this government where as Hersh so aptly put it - we lie about everything, lying has become the staple

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