Monday, September 23, 2013

The Government Shutdown Dog and Pony Show

The distractions are mounting as Barry and the boys seek to divert public attention from their mounting heap of failed policies and he has plenty of company with both parties of a lousy, failed and corrupt congress pitching in .  The crisis of the week are the ludicrous threats to shut down the government over the standard elephants vs. jackasses pissing contest. This dance is an ongoing hoax that is intended to dupe clueless Americans into thinking that they actually have a two party political system - they don't. The sturm and drang emanating outside of  the D.C. sewers occupied by an insane, out of control government will end just as the last 'crisis did the last time that the  clicking time clocks of the budget wars, hysterically hyped by the state-corporate media did when the so-called “fiscal cliff” was averted back in January. Let’s get one thing straight - the U.S. government as it is currently configured only exists for two real reasons - 1) to wage war and make billions for the weapons industry and 2) to serve the interests of the plutocrats who have the dough to buy influence, this second group includes the high finance jackals and hedge fund hyenas. The parasitical looter class (#2) already got theirs last week when Chairman Ben decreed that the ongoing taxpayer supplied narcotic of free money would continue to be indefinitely delivered to the junkie banks. In true capitalism these recklessly run and cancerous institutions would have simply been allowed to go under as the failures that they are, the criminals in charge should have done the perp walk and gone to prison where they belong  and the banks placed into receivership, cleaned up and then turned back over to responsible private hands. But here in the 21st century banana republic that we live in they are deemed “too big to fail” and the rest of society continues to be shaken down to keep the financial crack heads on their permanent buzz and screw anyone else, they have absolutely no say in the matter.

Then there is the warfare state (#1) while  temporarily laying back in the weeds it continues to scheme and play the angles for the coming attack on Syria and with a bit of luck Iran as well.  There is no way that the government is going to be shut down given the dependency of these two abhorrent bloodsucking entities on the never ending flow of  state largess that they would be unable to function without.  All of the hand-wringing, caterwauling and weeping and gnashing of teeth of the presstitute media and the court jesting political elitists is admittedly a sardonically amusing show but at the end of the day there will inevitably be some sort of miraculous bi-partisan ‘deal’ struck in order to avoid disaster and keep the money spigots flowing into our national murder and gambling cartels.  The only thing that is definite is that when the armistice is struck that we being the average law-abiding Americans who are not connected and thereby given access to suckle the teats of the beast will once again be left holding a flaming bag of dogshit while the band strikes up hail to the chief.

The threatened shutdown (I just wish that they actually had the balls to do it) is but one of the puppet shows casting shadows upon the wall for the slaves. Obama is of course milking the latest mass shooting for political gain while the ghoulish Wayne LaPierre (an insult to any rational law-abiding gun owner) is given prime Sunday morning airtime to engage in histrionics on Press the Meat while continuing to dispense his hogwash about “not enough good guys with guns” about the shootings. The gun industry gets their pop whenever LaPierre is trotted out, a pimp’s pimp and a lobbyist with few peers but doesn’t it all seem just a bit ridiculous when the “not enough good guys with guns” argument is used about a Navy yard? I mean this isn’t a grade school where the most powerful weapon to combat an out of control armed menace is a squirt gun. But for all of LaPierre’s contortions you have to give it to Barry for the sheer chutzpah of invoking our fallen ‘heroes’ to fire up his base and to feed the fires of the type of gun owners who are so easily duped into thinking that he is going to take them all away. As for the invocation of ‘heroes’,  do you recall a day when every dead soldier, cop and first responder wasn’t a hero?  The term " hero" has no real meaning anymore so much has it been abused for political gain at every opportunity since September 11, 2001 by the political elite. Obama gave a speech on Sunday that was a textbook example of the audacity of shamelessness, invoking the names of victims of last week’s shooting as well as the Sandy Hook dead while calling for that most bipartisan of things - assigning more power to the rogue government to keep you safe, don’t ask questions, they will use the power wisely - just look at the NSA.

There are distractions aplenty, take crazy John McCain’s letter published in the Russian tabloid media calling out Putin who is riding high after making an ass of Obama and Kerry, or that diligent, always on the beat cop Darrell Issa on his silly choreographed trip to Libya trying to rekindle media attention for his ridiculous ongoing Benghazi farce. I have yet to hear the news that  Congressman Grand Theft Auto will be convening hearings on the crimes of the NSA Stasi but the slimy bastard knows well to not shit where he eats. There is the rank idiocy of the GOP’s crusade against Obamacare but that massive fraud also happens to benefit the insurance parasites and their Wall Street brethren, it isn’t going away - EVER. So it is no matter what the Texas Zamboni Ted Cruz may grandstand about to enthrall the low hanging fruit of his base nor Senator Lindsay Graham pandering to the conservative tea party voters in South Carolina who know he's full of crap by squealing that the ACA (aka Obamacare) bill "sucks" while on Fox News it is all a scam. Not to infer that the fair senator from the palmetto state isn't an authority on vacuum theory, I have long suspected that he could suck a golf ball through a fifty foot garden hose.  These people are the same immoral, perverted, cheating, on the take, psychopathic, lying gangsters who are along with the assclown in chief over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have us all on the brink of collapse thanks to their arrogance and hubris. It is all a bipartisan effort too because truthfully, the average American Joe or Jane are viewed by all of these weasels as schmucks, marks and rubes. We have only two species in America today and that is cattle and vampires. The vampires of course have the money with which to keep the cattle around for feeding purposes only.

But in the background, behind the rotting bunting draped across the center stage of the grand three ring circus the neocons and their propagandists and foreign allies are relentlessly repackaging their plot to attack Syria and start WW III. Now they are looking to influence an already in the bag United Nations to put into place an authorization for military action to jump start their war efforts after their silly poison gas stunt failed abysmally to gin up the public outrage. I would imagine some sort of new narrative emerging over the Kenyan shopping mall tragedy, that porcine terrorist supporter Peter King is already hyping the involvement of several "Americans" in the savage plot. With the holiday shopping season upon us there is nothing quite as persuasive as swarthy men in turbans stealthily invading malls in a town near you. The war freaks are going to get a good amount of mileage out of Al-Shabob's killing spree. Too bad that there weren't enough good guys with guns in that Nairobi shopping emporium.  The fanatical bigot Peter King's inevitable new round of anti-Muslim hearings in which every convenience store owner across the land of Middle Eastern descent could be dragged in by state goons is a perfect example of why this government should be shut down.

The one argument that I would have against it is that there is no way that it could ever be as entertaining as the oversexed adulterer Bubba Clinton chasing that chubby little thong clad trollop Monica Lewinski around the digs that we all pay for. Let's face it, Barry is just plain boring and video footage of a narcissist whiling away the time of a closed government eating taxpayer funded pizza and watching his 100 greatest teleprompter hits to while away the time just doesn't cut it.

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