Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It Just Keeps Getting Creepier at the NSA

With the national crisis of the moment being the rush to enter into yet another illegal war in Syria our most serious problem, at least from a civil liberties standpoint has not received much attention as of late.  The deafening beating of the war drums, the state media propagandizing for an attack and the Putin problem have served to distract from the mounting evidence of just how far out of control that Obama’s NSA Stasi has become. We have recently learned that the NSA has undermined American free enterprise by intentionally destroying the effectiveness of internet encryption codes, you know those allegedly secure payment methods? Well thanks to the rogue surveillance state they are no more. The same big government agency has also been outed for spying on customers of credit card companies and providing the purloined data on law abiding American citizens to a FOREIGN country. Let’s just face it, the NSA and it’s tentacles are the greatest threat to this country since it’s inception, worse than King George’s Brits, the commies, Hitler and yes even al Qaeda. There is no way that even in his juiciest of 72 virgins wet dreams Osama bin Laden could never have even fantasized about doing this much damage the now defunct free and democratic society that we used to enjoy in the United States of America.
The rapacious carnivores in the surveillance/intelligence deep state have eradicated any form of privacy that exists outside of our heads and you can damned sure bet that they are at this very minute secretly working on a way to mind rape the citizenry as well. They have destroyed whatever vestiges of what was left of capitalism that the Wall Street looters were unable to take down with their schemes that waere aided and abetted by their moles in the government. Do you really believe that in the sane world that exists outside the borders of what can adequately now be called the United States of Dancing With the Stars is going to do business with American based tech companies? It is a real tragedy thanks to big government run amok and especially those who have spent countless millions on building the cloud based infrastructure that has been sold as the future of commerce. Think again because the rest of the civilized world actually bothers to read, is not already born half-stupid and given their lack of exposure to the corrupt corporate state media here in Der Homeland are well informed. They will be building their own cloud computing companies and the biggest selling factor of all will be that they will actually be SECURE and not subject to the whims of corrupt authoritarian power freaks who happen to also be bureaucratic drones and military voyeurs. We still do not know exactly what else that all of that data is being used for. There are already reports of probable industrial espionage out of Brazil and you can sure as hell bet the farm that much of this data is being provided to political cronies and their corporate backers to provide that competitive advantage that just can’t be gleaned from actually creating a better product. So much for that global economy, it shows just how badly that our once great American business ethic and all of the brilliant entrepreneurs that it created have given way to a corrupt elitist class that only cares about winning and to which cheating, bribery and subterfuge are the tools of doing business.
It is also pretty much a certainty although yet to officially come out that the NSA and it’s private contractors along with God knows how many other  foreign countries (one of which we already know about) are using this data for more nefarious reasons. Think about blackmail, the best way to ensure that the game stays rigged is to snag those with predispositions to perversion in utterly shameful (and likely illegal) sexual forays. This especially works well with politicians. One could imagine that the programs are being used for silencing those who are deemed to be threats, certain journalists who have perished in strange accidents or mysterious ‘suicides’ come to mind. It is no secret that big banks, lacking even the scruples of a crack whore engage in the laundering of drug money, just imagine how much juice that access to the most monstrous and powerful spy machine in the universe could bring to the bottom line. Again, these are speculative comments at the current time but truly, given what we already know is it going to be any surprise when the other shoe finally does drop?
But wait…
As horrifying that it already is it gets worse. In possibly the most disturbing and bizarre tale of the gross perversions of the NSA Stasi yet it has now been revealed that General Keith Alexander, the head of the surveillance colossus is living in a fantasy world with the Tribbles and Hobbits.  According to a recent story in the Guardian (where else?) by Glenn Greenwald that extensively references other sources and is entitled Inside the mind of NSA chief Gen Keith Alexander we may be more screwed than even the doomsayers are espousing. Because this story about arguably the most powerful man in America is about as batshit as it gets – what was only suspected, that a psychopath was running this entire spying machine is pretty much confirmed.
To excerpt from the material, in this case a reference to a PBS piece which has now mysteriously (or not so) been disappeared down the memory hole:
“When he was running the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, Alexander brought many of his future allies down to Fort Belvoir for a tour of his base of operations, a facility known as the Information Dominance Center. It had been designed by a Hollywood set designer to mimic the bridge of the starship Enterprise from Star Trek, complete with chrome panels, computer stations, a huge TV monitor on the forward wall, and doors that made a ‘whoosh’ sound when they slid open and closed. Lawmakers and other important officials took turns sitting in a leather ‘captain’s chair’ in the center of the room and watched as Alexander, a lover of science-fiction movies, showed off his data tools on the big screen.
 ”‘Everybody wanted to sit in the chair at least once to pretend he was Jean-Luc Picard,’ says a retired officer in charge of VIP visits.”
Jesus, this guy is not only section eight material but to quote Kevin Costner’s title character in the post-apocalyptic film The Postman – “The General is a fucking lunatic”.  I would wonder just how much money was the average hard working taxpayer shaken down for so that this freak could get his rocks off by building his Captain Kirk command chair? Where the hell is the accountability? With all of the idiotic politial theater between Obama and the House Republicans over shutting the government down in order to defund Obamacare (and it is theater) it is pretty obvious that there is a REAL reason to close it all down and it is in charge of the NSA. I still anxiously await the great Darrell Issa (the John Stossel) of politics to convene hearings on the NSA’s unconstitutional and fascist usurping of the right to privacy. Again to place a bit of emphasis on this we aren’t talking about some dork who frequents Star Trek conventions, names his dogs “Tiberius” and “Khan” and gets his kicks by prancing around while wearing a set of waxen Spock ears but arguably the most powerful man in the country if not the world. This is no laughing matter!
Anyway, according to the Foreign Policy Magazine piece,The Cowboy of the NSA that is referenced in the Greenwald story Alexander is indeed quite the “cowboy” who plays fast and loose with the law. This a real understatement about our self-appointed guardian of the galaxy given the torrent of stories that have emerged over the last several months chronicling his agency’s flouting of the laws.  But here is where it really gets twisted – Federation Commandant Keith Alexander may not even be the worst of the NSA Stasi capos. According to a Washington Post story,  during a speech the uber-creepy General Michael Hayden, the personification of what Hannah Arendt once referred to the “banality of evil”not only defended the Constitution shredding NSA programs but took a foray into the same bizarre territory that Alexander exists in when lounging in his command chair. Among other delusional dispensations of his perfect fascist utopia Hayden proclaimed that there are terrorists on Gmail (and under the bed, behind the curtains etc..) which means that by now if you have managed to read this far you are now within my own personal NSA 3 hop query network. Congratulations.
Excerpts from  the piece which reveals the very troubling contents of a very troubled mind – a necessity for holding any sort of leadership position in Obama’s NSA Stasi:
Former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden stood on the pulpit of a church across from the White House on Sunday and declared Gmail the preferred online service of terrorists. As part of an adult education forum at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Hayden gave a wide ranging speech on “the tension between security and liberty.”
 During the speech, he specifically defended Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA), which provides the legal basis for the PRISM program. In doing so, Hayden claimed “Gmail is the preferred Internet service provider of terrorists worldwide,” presumably meaning online service rather than the actual provider of Internet service. He added: “I don’t think you’re going to see that in a Google commercial, but it’s free, it’s ubiquitous, so of course it is.”
Asked whether the United States’s promiscuous surveillance was setting a harmful example for other nations, Hayden suggested that the Internet’s origins in the United States partially justifies the NSA’s conduct. If the Web lasts another 500 years, he said, it may be the thing the United States is remembered for “the way the Romans are remembered for their roads.”
“We built it here, and it was quintessentially American,” he said, adding that partially due to that, much of traffic goes through American servers where the government “takes a picture of it for intelligence purposes.”
Rest assured that we WILL be remembered by history and the analogy of Rome is a bit more fitting than the dirty little fiend Hayden may otherwise have intended.  Not that the planet will last for anywhere near 500 more years given the bent for destruction of the elites but if it manages to beat the odds historians will marvel over how the greatest empire since Rome rotted from within abetted by the same forms of moral decay, bloodlust, greed and perversion as well as bread and circuses that destroyed that which was at one time indestructable. Like Rome the proverbial Senate baths are filled with naked little boys greased up with olive oil, our ‘leaders’ drunkenly frolic unimpeded by shame while our imperial overlords have the starship coordinates set for the center of Hoth the ice planet with the controls at ramming speed.

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